Children worship God

Christ is Risen! Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission, we always rejoice in all things in our Lord. Thank God for the blessed days we live in spite of the ongoing war, the Lord is with us.

Nothing stops us from working and serving God, God creates such circumstances this year that we have special services, meetings with immigrants. As the Lord leads and we act, we can plan one thing and God gives another and glory to God.

1. Since the churches around are small and have to help each other, we had to be again in Zhylovtsi on Holy Thursday with a bread-breaking service, remembering how Christ prayed in Gethsemane…. Through the Word they strengthened the church.

- We organized a children's meeting with the Easter program in the house of prayer, we also had children of migrants who were given backpacks full of different things for them, they were very happy.

- I also visited seven of the migrants, to whom I brought from various of the products they received from you, and also gave their children backpacks full of all kinds of good for them.

2. Thank you all for your care for us, both financially and prayerfully and food.

3. Continue to pray for my family, for ministry with the settlers, with the children,

4. May God abundantly bless you with the spiritual blessing that is in heaven, with love for you, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor