Wonderful Times

Blessings to all! 

This week I was able to meet with brother Gabi Cuc, at Podrii. I spent an evening having a fellowship in prayer and the Word.

We discussed the burdens of the work, the sorrows, disappointments, but also the way to go to the end. Our model is the Lord who loved His people to the end, so must every servant of the Lord be.

We prayed and asked the Lord to help us with joy to end what He entrusted us to do I gladly enjoyed being with him and encouraging each other. The second we looked at the property at Podari and thanking the Lord for His gift and asked him for a clear vision, which he would give to PIEI on its use.

Prayer Requests: 

For higher power for brother Gabi Cuc, for sister Vera, but also for the missionaries of PIEI in Romania. 

Pray that they trust in the Lord in the difficult times of the work and that none fall from fatigue.

Pray that the missionaries are guided to find men of God who are apprenticed and spiritually raised so that they can take over the work done by the brothers. Practically it takes workers to harvest His harvest.

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director


The second half of January we wanted to be dedicated to the service of our brothers in Ukraine. So we decided to form a team of four brothers, who, by the way, were also aware of the meaning of the journey and were also willing to do this service.

Finally, we gather five people and left with three microbuses and a trailer, loaded with food for PIEI missionaries from the Noua Sulita (Location for supplies) and for refugees who arrived in their service area, from the war zone.

We prayed for a good journey, under the watch of God and the help offered to express our love for the saints in need, from Ukraine. Words and prayers of thanks were raised to the Lord from our brothers, and brother Pavel Pentehachi did not take it from them but also from his willingness to serve us!

The help from the brothers in PIEI-US as well as from the brothers in Romania, was a great blessing for them and for the refugees they serve both materially and spiritually, by preaching the Gospel.

On return we visited the Roman Centre in Cernauti, another area of Christian service and testimony, with a strong impact among those suffering from the war. With the help of the Lord we have well arrived home thanking the Lord for His protection, but also for the opportunity offered to serve beyond Romania's borders.

Pray with us that the help offered may comfort the hearts of the sad and that they arrive and see how God does not leave without blessings. 

Prayer Requests:

-Pray with us for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-For the orphans and widows that we visited and with whom we work proclaiming to them the love of God, may the Lord search their hearts for repentance.

-For the families who have taken orphans from the boarding school to raise and support. They have their own difficulties every day. May God give these parents wisdom and patience in this hard work.

-For these 2 pastors that we have chosen this month, that the Lord bless them with wisdom, patience and humility to serve in the church.

-So that the Lord gives us and our families health and jealousy, so that we do not get tired of doing good to people in need who live near us. So that we are hands Christ on this earth and serve others with total devotion.

Thank you again, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for your help. May the Lord bless you abundantly! We love you and pray for you.

This are prayer requests from Pavel Petihachni.

Pray that the difficult situations in Ukraine, whether brothers or those who have not yet received the Lord, to not turn their back on God, but rather come closer to Him and call Him for help!

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director

Grace, mercy and peace to all believers

Scripture says that "more makes the end of a thing than the beginning of it!" December was extremely busy, with activities that required sustained effort both physically and spiritually. The work could not be done without support in prayer, both for me and for the PIEI missionaries. We thank all those who have raised their prayer, for us, before our heavenly Father.

Meeting with PIEI missionaries:

At the beginning of December we met at Podari, for partnership, encouragement, training, advices and more. Time ran out fast and it was as if we wished it would never end. We were encouraged by the Word of the Scripture offered by the pastor of the Baptist Church, Liviu Costea from Craiova, as well as by brother Constantin Conea, former PIEI missionary. 

We prayed for each other as well for our brothers all over the world. We prayed and asked for God's help for the work to which He called us. What was nice to find that although things could have been done better, the missionaries were able to thank God for all things and even more understood that through their unity, the work can go forward. We thought together for a collaboration in the areas where we serve, so that we can work together and visit each other and help build churches. An important reason why we gathered at Podari was in the fact that we thank God, with His care and providence, He decided that the Hope for Podars Association, to give PIEI organization a property to be used for the work of the Lord in the southern part of the country.

Discussions about the good functioning of the Association as well as the good testimony we must have in society. 

To tell people about the true significance of the Birth celebration of the Lord Jesus.

Like my brothers, I wished once again that the Bible's story of the Word becoming flesh would be made clear in the minds of those I meet.

So we prepared a meeting, to which we invited parents and children, an occasion where we had lunch together and talked about a lot of things. Some about school, family, Christmas gifts…

A pleasant, open atmosphere was created and thus the semi-basement of the Baptist Church in Victoria became "a hostel" of an Orthodox community, gladly served by a few sisters with me.

Before we parted, I shared the news about the birth of the Lord Jesus, "The gospel is urging us to receive Him, to call His name and to believe in Him!"

Supporting my brothers, to do good! According to the Word which says:

" And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful." (Titus 3:14)

I sought to be of use to my brothers by spending time with them, by praying and helping to do well, by supporting those in need, in their area of work. That's how I ended up in Campeni, where I met brother Rodean Aurel and Botar Florin.

We arrived in Alba Iulia, with gifts for children from the central area of the country and then in the southern area, to Caciulatesti, and onwards, Maldaeni, Nenciulesti, Alexandria… Over 450 gifts were offered to children from the PIEI missionaries areas.

The elderly and the widows were not forgotten, even though we could not come to the aid of all, some of them were supported by the PIEI missionaries. And this is possible because of the partnership established with the Biblical Mission in Germany, through brother Ruslan Melestean from Moldova.

I wish, as the National Director of PIEI-Romania, to have good cooperation with anyone who fears God and works righteously, brothers and sisters, received by Him.

An extremely sensitive area of work is working with refugees, people who, due to the war in Ukraine, live as foreigners among the Romanian people. The Lord recalls that: the blessings of the Father are those who "received strangers" by virtue of the fact that the PIEI organization in Romania wishes to be a presence and a manifestation of God's kindness, through his missionaries, I sought to help this area as well, together and through the ICM organization I helped a fairly large community of Ukrainians, staying in the Sighisoara area. Pastor of the Baptist Church brother Florin Boruga being caught in the work of the Lord, among them.

We are preparing to visit our brothers in Ukraine, PIEI missionaries, who are going through the horrors of war and who, despite being threatened, have chosen to stay and be of assistance to their fellow refugees from the war zone.

The visits made so far have proved to be blessings for them and for those who suffer as a result of the war. Sometimes feet worn with the zeal of the Gospel of peace must remain "barefoot" so that those who do not have this zeal can be enchanted.

In a photo I saw a man whose shoes were old and without a pleasant look. I thought that in the hurry of leaving the conflict zone, the man did not get a chance to choose his shoes, so I decided, on a new visit, to take my best shoes and give it to the person concerned. I showed the picture to brother Kioresco and asked him to hand it over to the person concerned. I was glad when he agreed to do that. I was ready to give away the shoes I was wearing and return home barefoot, but the brother did not accept that I would have been happy if it happened. I'm happy that my Sunday shoes are where they're needed. Maybe in your craving for peace you want to do more than pray, maybe you will also understand, that one can be won by accepting to "take off the shoes".

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director 

Open Doors

Some of the texts of Scripture speak of doors, not necessarily of wood or metal; of entry or exit in case of emergency; but of the possibility of eternal life, offered by the Lord in the kindness of His love, towards the human being. This door of faith, opened by God, unto the gentiles (Acts 14:27) or "a door to the Word", so that the mystery of Christ may be known (Colossians 4:3) blesses us with the gift of salvation.

As we draw to a closer relationship with the Lord, we can see with astonishment how He turns things that are, on the one hand " a grievous wound" and, on the other "perfect healing", just to teach us to choose dependence on Him. God shows us He is the Absolute Master of all and everything. 

As we meditate on our Lord's miraculous ways, we recall with wonder the gift from the Association of Hope for Podari. The Association of Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI-RO) is the recipient of a location, land and building to continue serving our Lord in the southern part of the country.

We might say that the Lord has blessed us, but at the same time He has made us responsible to continue serving Him and the people in that area.

A mission team from the USA, under the coordination of Brother Windsor, visited that location, and raised prayers and requests to God. Through our Lord's grace, for Him to make this place a blessing for the missionaries of the PIEI as well as for the churches and the people in the area.

The location needs renovation in order to provide a viable location. We expect that God's people will contribute to its dedication and use for its proposed purpose.

We pray this place can offer: 

  • Accommodation for mission teams

  • The possibility of apprenticeship and spiritual growth of participants

  • The possibility to take place: Biblical studies, seminars , Counseling and Mentoring programs, of different age groups 

  • Possibility to conduct meetings with children and young people 

  • Possibility of carrying out various Christian care and social interest programs in order to achieve these objectives, 

Prayer Requests

  • May the Lord choose to continue to bless the work

  • May the Lord send a family that wants to lives there as missionaries, being a model for all those with whom the Lord comes in contact

  • To provide us with resources, people and materials, to bring as close as possible to the moment of dedication

Finally, through all those that come to live, learn and enjoy this beautiful gift from our Lord, let men know the Lord Jesus and choose to follow Him in obedience. We thank all those who, by involvement, in one way or another, choose to support this work!

Would you want to get involved? Please prayerfully consider your partnership with us!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI-Romania National Director

The annual report of the PIEI Romania

National Ministry for the year 2022 Timotei Stanea, National Director and the PIEI National Missionaries, PIEI- Romania

Short History

The years of communism and the obstacles raised by it did not stop the Christian work in Romania, but contributed to the formation of young Christians who developed a strong desire to deliver the gospel to the unsaved. Their mission was not always visible, but because of communism had to be more secretive; however, everywhere in the country there were groups of young people visiting different places, bringing with them the good news of salvation and bringing joy, encouraging the hearts of the believers in remote areas.

In 1990 after the revolution in Romania, a great wave of young Christian people from all over the country were involved in the work of evangelism, many of whom are today's missionaries and pastors. I am one of them and I am so thankful that He chose me and called me. In 1990, immediately after the revolution I got involved in evangelism and church planting; the church in the city of Victoria being the fifth one of them. Today I work and serve there as a pastor and also as a PIEI missionary.

1990 was also the year when I met Daniel Stef, one of Cornel Stef’s younger brothers, and I heard about his desire to support national missionaries. Together we visited the city of Victoria where I was already doing evangelism. This was the city where the former dictator Ceaușescu said it was "not infected by religious mysticism" and was declared a communist city. Here Partners in Evangelism International got behind me and got heavily involved in evangelization, support for me as their first missionary, and especially in the construction project of the church building which still serves the church's work and ministry today.

After more than 10 years of serving the church in Victoria and also the Sibiu community as a regional coordinator, I was called to work as the national director of PIEI. Out of gratitude and thankfulness for what PEI has done, I have returned to serve with PIEI, and can say that I serve the Lord, my fellow believers and people in this ministry. PIEI continues to be an active force on the mission fields of Romania in 2022.

Timotei Stanea - front center, green shirt, PIEI Missionaries Romania, with Cornel Stef Summer 2022

1. Vision

To establish national missionaries to fulfill the great commission by spreading the gospel and discipleship of those called by our Lord to His kingdom by training, equipping and supporting them.

2. Fellowship

Missionaries gathered at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia for fellowship, Bible Study, and Prayer

Strengthening the relationships and fellowship between our missionaries. A marked emphasis has been placed on encouraging and training missionaries as well as on developing close relationships between them, through meetings with all of them, through biblical studies undertaken by each of them, through the prayer time we all have every evening at
9:00 pm, and through regular visits that we have made to each and every one of them in their homes and and areas of ministry. God has put in our hearts so much love and His unlimited power with the desire to work in unity to accomplish His will.

3. The Ministry and its Various Aspects

It is one ministry which is manifested in many directions. It is not our work but it is God’s work that we and you do it together, in partnership, in different places, using sometimes the same tools.

  • Evangelism on the street, in the squares, from house to house or in places of assembly

  • Children’s Ministry: The PIEI missionaries have not neglected the little ones; they organized different kinds of Children’s Ministry Outreach programs and meetings, day camps, VBS, weekly programs or periodic meetings when children have been brought together to learn, have fun, and from an early age to hear about the Lord Jesus and his salvation plan for every one.

  • Street Evangelism

  • Discipleship: We focus on training disciples in small group studies. We feel it’s important to find the leaders called by God to take over the work we are doing and carry it forward.

  • Care Ministry: Helping the poor, working with orphans regardless of age, God is and remains the Father of orphans and continues to take care of them.

  • Ministering to Widows to show them they are not abandoned by
    the Heavenly Father and they have been entrusted to us to support them.

Orphan Ministry with missionary Traian Chilau
Tigveni, Arges (these orphans are institutionalized for life)

Widow Care Missionary Relu Rodean

4. External missions to PIEI-Ukraine

Thanks to brother Cornel Stef and the team in the United States
we were able to visit our brothers in Ukraine several times,
driving up with supplies for the refugees. We were glad that we
were able to offer a helping hand to our fellow PIEI missionaries there, to help them, the refugees, and the local churches over there.

5. Open doors for the Expansion of PIEI Ministry in Romania

God blessed PIEI through a donation of a property (land and building) in the town of Podari, the Southern part of the country, a place we want to be a landmark for PIEI's work and a mission center for the South of the country. It is a land suitable for a Camp Site on an area of 4.9 acres nearby the tallest part of the Carpathian Mountains in the country. Another place for a Camp in Necrilesti, the Western Carpathian Mountains, a place dedicated for personal retreat and fellowship with the Lord.

We are thankful to God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, for his incredibly great grace offered in Christ and for all of you who have carried us in prayer as we have done this year which is coming close to the end.
We will continue to pray for you that the Lord will strengthen and fulfill His will in you all, your families, your churches, and give you open doors for the gospel.

6. Pray

●  For us to be found trustworthy and faithful in the work entrusted to us.

●  To be protected from evil.

●  May God bless the work of PIEI in Romania by preparing people and resources for

●  His work to go forward.

●  May the Lord prepare before us open doors for the gospel.

●  For the people who have heard the word of the gospel in Romania and anywhere in the world to be touched and return to God before it is too late.

All of these could not have happened had it not been for the context of the blessings from the Lord and the partnership ministry of PIEI in the United States and the Romania Committee. Thank you for allowing me to share with you a few aspects of the work and ministry of PIEI Romania mission. Blessings to you all!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

PIEI Romania (yellow vests) and PIEI Ukraine Missionaries

Timotei Speaking to the Ukrainian Refugees interpreter PIEI Missionary Valery Popov

Camp Necrilesti

River Baptism Missionary Traian Chilau

US Partnership Team - Romania Cornel Stef - Chairman
Walter Windsor - Missions Director Popa Rodica - Treasurer

Popa Alex Liviu Dragomir Daniel Stef

Mission Address



Phone: (773) 202-8500

Website: piei.org

E-Mail: cornelstef@gmail.com

Partners In Evangelism is an ECFA Accredited Ministry

Christian Care

Blessings to you all!

We find written on the pages of the Holy Scripture that the Lord pays special attention to a few categories of people. One of these categories is that of widows who occupy a special place and attests to the true religion "clean and unsullied, before God, our Father.” (James 1:27).

In the desire to be doers of the Word and not only forgetful listeners, in the missionary work of PIEI-Romania a widows project was developed, to help a number of 15 widows, from these missionaries mission fields: Aurel Rodeanu, Florin Botar, Traian Chilau, Tani Nemes, Cornel Fogorosiu, and Florin Sfetcu.  It is intended to be a project that brings comfort and courage, as well as material aid into the lives of these widowed sisters. The needs are certainly much greater than we can presently offer, but we thank God for all those who have found a way to get involved in this work through prayer and material support.

I do not want to forget to mention the support we receive from The Bible Mission in Germany through brother Ruslan, the contribution of the PIEI missionaries and the churches, and last, but not least, the PIEI-USA.

Prayer Requests:

  • May the widowed sisters realize that the help they are receiving is from the Lord, so that they can thank Him.

  • To make those around see in this work Christian love materialized in deed.

  • Let it be an example worthy of all Christians to follow. 

Thank you to those who have taken part in this work, in Romania or anywhere else. Thank you in advance to all those who have partnered with us and chose to be involved! May God's grace be with you!

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director

Serving Together

On Monday the PIEI Romania Committee met at the Christian Center to pray for, analyze, and propose the budget for 2023 and to consider the election of an administrative director at the PIE Alba Center. We have brought before the Lord, in prayer, all the missionaries and their areas of service to our brothers everywhere, the problems and joys of the work, and we have asked for wisdom from above as well as the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In a quiet atmosphere we sought together to "weigh" the needs of the missionary brothers, we looked with joy at the projects that everyone wished to do, both within the churches and among the needy in whose lives, sadness and suffering, needed shelter. Of course there are children, adolescents and young people with many plans of work: meetings, camps, sports competitions, etc…. all with the aim of sharing the Gospel!

Our joy has been overshadowed by the fact that some projects have not been approved. For practical reasons, however, wee accept that the Sovereign God can intervene at any time to change circumstances.

We pray and ask God to do more than we ask or think!

On the same occasion we turned our eyes to brother Mihai Dima, who was entrusted with the responsibility for the administration and management of the PIE Alba Iulia Center.

We enjoy the fact that we can look forward with confidence in the hope that this place will be a blessing for all men.

Here churches, Christian organizations, pastors, missionaries, mission teams, families and others can find a place to say: "This is the place that God will take!"

Prayer Requests:

  • For the blessing of the missionaries and for the mission they are doing in Romania.

  • For God’s care and mercy, in terms of material and financial resources, for 2023.

  • For God's protection for the churches in Romania as well as for Ukraine so that PIE Romania can do God's work without obstacles from evil men.

Thank you all of you who have been partners with us in prayer, advice, encouragement, finances, or material donations, and especially if you have been a physical presence on the mission field in Romania!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania Missionary

In The Footsteps Of The King

I can say "with God's help" because the answer always comes from Him!

I wanted to spend some time with the family of my brother Gabi Cuc, a PIE missionary, with the Church in Caciulatesti, as well as to visit his work area.

My wish came true at the end of August, when I stayed for three days in the house of brother Gabi and sister Vera. We rejoiced together, we prayed, and we discussed a lot of things from the Holy Scripture. We debated a lot of biblical topics concerning mission work, but also aspects related to the smooth running of the Church.

Our time together extended to the Church of the Lord of Caciulatesti. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we looked at the Scriptures to see and understand the way in which God works and makes His presence known in our lives.

We rejoiced and thanked the Lord for his mercy manifested not only when he saved us, but also every day.

I looked closely at the Lord and I saw his beauty, a beauty that is not in an image, but in the nature of his character. He himself talks about this in Exodus 34: "The Lord God is a God full of mercy and grace..."

His mercy was also manifested towards sister Maria from Rotunda who, on Sunday morning, came full of emotions and confessed with joy her faith in the Lord Jesus and was baptized. 

On the occasion of the visit to sister Maria, I listened to her testimony. I was very happy to hear how the Lord transformed her life, changing her into a completely new person, totally different from the one before her repentance and faith. A new life! What wonderful things God does with those who return to Him, with humility!

Seeing a donkey tied, I remembered the Lord Jesus and the moment of his entry into Jerusalem, the exact fulfillment of the Bible prophecy. I wanted to immortalize the thought and took a picture and sent it to Popa Alexandru and his wife Rodica, accompanied by a short message "an old car"!

The answer was: "keep and use the old car"!

I thanked God for my enlightenment of his word and for its effect in my life. It was like a balm poured over my heart! I am not riding a donkey, but I am walking and following the King. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will help the Church in Caciulatesti, to be daily aware of the Lord's Presence.

  • Pray that the Cuc family will be a blessing for the place where God has placed them.

  • Pray that all those who have heard the Gospel will open their hearts for the Lord Jesus.

  • Pray that in the town of Rotunda the testimony of the faithful will be good!

Thank you to those who intercede for the PIE missionaries and for the mission they carry out in Romania.

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

Heroes Of Faith

Our meeting at the PIEI Center is remembered to have taken place under the good hands of our God. 

This year we met with all the missionaries with their families in joy and peace. For three days our Romanian missionaries and families gathered from: 

  • Alba: Stef family 

  • Alexandria: Geabou family

  • Beciu: Sfetcu family

  • Maldaeni: Moldoveanu family 

  • Draganesti-Olt: Darvell family

  • Caciulatesti: Cuc family

  • Curtea de Arges: brother Traian 

  • Victoria: Stanea family

  • Alba: Joldos family

  • Telna: Nemes family

  • Mihalt family: Petrut family 

  • Campeni family: brother Rodean

  •  Sohodol: brother Botar

Our context of Christian work is developed and supported by PIEI Romania in both the southern and central areas of Romania. In these localities where the Word and Christian testimony are present. In these places God has men of faith, doing His will, wanting and engaging in presentation of the gospel and making disciples of the Lord Jesus.

With us was a mission team from the United States, coordinated by brother Cornel Stef, president of PIEI. Returning from a missionary trip to Ukraine, and exhausted, they sacrificed themselves to spend time with us sharing from their calling, gifts, and ministry they do in States.

The main focus was that each missionary and his family could enjoy a special time of rest, and fellowship, by way of encouragement given in the Scripture.

We learned about the work that each one is doing in the place where God called him, about the blessings and challenges of the work, and experiences through which God has led each one. In all this working maturity, wisdom, and joys in the Lord Jesus as well as tears, which are not forgotten but known by God.

The messages from the Scripture by pastor Kevin Cram of the Liberty Bible Church deeply touched our hearts and minds in a particular way that some of the missionaries said, "We really needed this."

We were encouraged by the Word that God chose to work with us ("some clay vessels") in which He laid His treasure.

2 Corinthians 4:7-15 comforted us, strengthened us, motivating us to do the mission work with greater enthusiasm.

Brother David, who does counseling work in his church, willingly giving up any personal comfort to serve us, also encouraged and urged us through his messages and examples. It was helpful to hear that the "heroes of faith" of Hebrews 11 did not reach perfection as God also calls future generations of women and men of faith, in which we may know the same status.

The sisters also had a special time with the sisters from the mission team: Carole, Martha, Sarah and Elizabeth.

Willingly serving in Ukraine, they also encouraged our Romanian sisters by sharing their thoughts, experiences and teaching, creating bridges between human souls of different cultures under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The last night we were urged to take note of the importance of rest in our lives regarding the sabbath from a perspective somewhat different from the contemporary Romanian context. We were guided to understand that the sabbath recognizes the Lord as Master of creation and Savior rather than emphasizing a day of the week. Sabbath rest transcends the material sphere by emphasizing the importance of communion with the Lord of the sabbath and the honor of His name.

We parted thanking God for these few days in kneeling before Him, thanking Him for all things, asking Him for His companionship, help and strength for the work He calls us to do.

In addition to His presence, we have returned to our field of work, acknowledging blessings from the blessings received, which are poured into the souls of all those who are the sons of peace and in whose blessings they desire to dwell.

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director

"A blessing"

Thank you for what you're doing!

Once again through God's grace, the local Church in Victoria, where I serve, has managed, together with Mission Without Borders, to offer 69 children the possibility to be in a Christian camp for six days. Children and teenagers can enjoy toghether Christian activities and sports, bath in the pool, devotional time, socialization, the food, health education, etc.

Thursday morning I met with the leaders at their devotionary time, an occasion in which we were equipped to a transformed life through the renewal of the mind, so that we can distinguish well the will of God, the pleasant and perfected way, thus unsuitable to the world.

The text is quoted from (Romans 12:2): ”Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”, read by sister Simona Mening.

We prayed for both ourselves and for the children, that God bless and protect all those involved including those who made the camp possible through their donations.

Radu Aconstantinesei the camp coordinator, from the MWB, member of the Church, considers that the entire work is going well and that there are no special events.

Being early in the morning, before waking up, we were amused by the question of a child who wanted to know "when the resurrection takes place" confusing with revitalization, we asked the brothers and sisters of the camp leaders to make sure that the gospel would come to be heard, by each child, sharing it simpler!

We parted happy that we were able to see each other and encourage each other. Christian camps are extremely effective in working with children, teenagers and young people, even leaders are thankful to God for the service they can do for the blessing of God, for the good of the participants and even for their spiritual upbringing.

Without the help and involvement of Mission Without Borders we could not have made this work possible, PIE has long wanted to have a camp in Romania where missionaries and churches planted or pastored they could send their children , adolescents and young people and even adults.

May they have a special time of standing in the presence of the Lord to reflect upon them and God's will for them and why not for rest.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the Lord protects each of them from evil and unwanted events.

  • What they teach in the camp and especially the Gospel to bring salvation into the lives of those who believe.

  • Leaders should be worthy role models for children and adolescents.

  • May PIE be blessed with a place and a camp that will be useful to churches all over the country for young believers, helping them grow in faith and those who do not believe, helping them hear the Gospel and believe, so that they can be saved!

  • Pray that even you who read can support in prayer, financially and by this, with the gifts God has given you, the PIEI to have a camp.

We thank all those who made this camp possible as well as those whose hearts open for any kind of support!!! Blessed be you and all that is yours!

Stanea Timotei – PIEI National Director

God Is Present

Bless you! 

Where is God in the context of events in Ukraine, and the multiple sufferings because of war. The soul wounds due to abandonment and loss of goods collected through labor, separation from loved ones or even loss of loved ones — it is impossible not to think where is God? Why doesn't He intervene? Why does He let such things happen? Why does He not listen to the prayers of so many believers that are brought to Him?

The suffering created, under the influence of Satan, becomes inversion and hatred towards God, and this is an assault that does not exclude the faithful either. The suffering permitted, under God's hand, becomes a tool for the perfection of the life of he who understands it and obeys it.

This was the theme of the meeting with the people, women and men, and refugees in the Noua Sulita area, in Ukraine who came to the Baptist Church last Sunday.

Where is God? God is not absent or indifferent. On the contrary, as it was in Christ and reconciling the world with Himself, the Lord Jesus suffered and died for us. The Lord Jesus is with him who goes through suffering, who has a sad and wounded soul.

The Word shows us this truth, and my experience and the experience of others confirms it. I shared with them that they can turn against Him as one response. Or they can approach Him with petitions and prayers with thanks. This brings His peace which exceeds any knowledge, and will guard their hearts and thoughts in Christ! In conclusion, this teaching and encouragement was addressed to all, and to receive the Lord and to trust in Him! 

Prayer Requests:

  • May the Word bring salvation into their lives

  • May the Lord comfort their souls

  • May the churches of Ukraine to be a powerful testimony of Christ before the refugees with whom she works

  • May resources continue, so the work of the gospel can continue

  • May PIE Missionaries in Romania not give up supporting efforts and mobilize more, helping the churches where PIE missionaries work

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

In God We Trust

Being taught by the Word to help the saints when they are in need, I have sought to do. With Eugen Stef, president of PIEI, we organized a new transport for Ukraine. We visited the PIEI brothers and colleagues who are involved in Lord’s work, especially serving the refugees from the armed conflict zone of Ukraine.

With Emanuel and Beni Joldos, and brother Marius we arrived well in Ukraine, where we met our brothers of PIEI Ukraine and the refugees there. Yet again being shocked by the smiles on their faces like nothing is happening.

On the same occasion I discussed with the pastor of the church, brother Valerii Popov, and brothers Paul Kioresco and Paul P about finishing the church's building site. Back in Romania I started a plan to help the brothers. The Christian Baptist Church of Medias is willing to provide the pulpit and table for the Lord's Dinner. We are working on a plan for a Christian funding project from the International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) and the Christian Church Community Baptist Sibiu, which will help the brotherhood enjoy a completed, dedicated, and inaugurated place.

Ever in positive feedback and speak 'with the help of God, that this be like the contract to buy the land' of Jeremiah! They're working on preparing a new shipment for them now.

Prayer Requests: 

  • That all be guarded by the Lord and their work and ours to prosper!

  • That our help may reach them safely 

  • The resources may be found (even in times of distress) and the church can enjoy peace.

  • That the construction project have a good end for the glory of God.

  • Let people be saved there and in Romania! 

  • That UI may be strengthen by God in whatever I’m involved.

The Lord be with you all, who pray for us and support the work in Romania! Thank you!

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director

Time Flies By

Time passes so fast that sometimes we almost don't notice, but still when we meet with brothers and sisters at the church we must acknowledge that "one more week has passed".

What did I do? How did I spend my time? What have we invested in? What did we build? These are questions that we ask ourselves repeatedly. We hope that our answers meet the expectations of our Lord.

I sought in all things to be in God's will, and I did not forget to preach the Gospel under any circumstances: either during worship , or during the wake services, or during the time spent with the group of disciples, or in meetings with different people.

A particular concern I have is for brother Mihai Flore, a former member of the church who has lost his membership and whom I often meet in the desire to return his soul from his wandering way.

In search of new ways for evangelization, I sent two young men (my son Timotei and Nicolae Stoica) to a training camp to become floorball coaches. They completed the program well and together this month we will start a project for children with the intention of training players and forming a team. We were assisted by brother Emanuel Joldos for which we are thankful.

We will keep you informed of our progress, and we will pray to make it a Christian work!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that brother Michael repents and returns to the church

  • Pray that those who have heard the Word turn to God and be saved

  • Pray that the preparation of the two young men will bear fruit; first for Nicu Stoica, that he will receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, then also that this opportunity prepares my children to work with you all

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

Special Occasion

In such turbulent contexts of internal causes, prices have gone up each one in its turn: food, water, gas and electricity. The turmoil and anxiety caused by Romania's border with Ukraine, is real for us, the church in Victoria.

We decided to bring a bit of peace and joy into the hearts of 23 women (unsaved). On Women's Day we celebrated with them. We treated each with respect and consideration all they do in their own homes, in order to create peace and harmony.

A group of sisters: Dana, Oara, Dorina, Mari, Mihaela, were involved in preparing food for this event. Brother Radu took care of making the invitations and buying the roses for each of them.

I prepared a few thoughts from 1 Peter 3 which explains the Bible’s way for a woman who wants to be pleasing to the Lord.

In conclusion, I made it clear that this can only be possible if the Lord Jesus lives in each of them! Eventually I asked to be allowed to pray for them and their families, which I did. The atmosphere was open and appreciated by all.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that the seed of the Gospel sown in the women’s minds brings salvation.

  • Pray that God multiplies moments we can serve people and at the same time proclaim the way of salvation.

  • Pray that the number of sisters and brothers who serve will multiply.

  • Pray as the church in Victoria may always be ready in fulfilling the duty given by the Lord Jesus! We thank all those who carry us in prayer! God bless you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

Open Our House

We are saddened and grieved by the situation in Ukraine. We suffer for the suffering of the people there and especially for our brothers and sisters.

In addition to the things we face in everyday life, we would also like to take part in carrying the burdens of the ones who face trials in Ukraine. Together with the church, we have decided to open our hearts and homes to provide a place for seven refugee families for an indefinite period.

Seven locations where those in need will be able to stay. Together, brothers and sisters, we decided to help financially support these families. Each of those involved, out of their income, offers 200 lei per month covering part of the costs.

I wait for brother Paul's daughter and her family to reach us, and we pray for them and the families of the other missionaries to come, too! 

Prayer Requests: 

  • May we be able to help our brothers

  • May we have the necessary financial resources

  • May we be a comfort to them 

  • May these deeds lead to the glory of God

  • May we find ourselves in God’s will in all situations!

    God be with you!

    Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

Christian Care


On the basis of a previous work, a collaboration with CAM of Floresti (Christian Aid Ministries), we have asked the management of the association to accept the PIE’'s ministry areas for the purpose of sending medical and hygiene aid.

Finding the opening on their part, I’m hopeful that by next month we can help our brothers and sisters in our mission areas as well as other people who have or are in need. 

I believe that in this practical way Christian love and the Gospel can touch many hearts. Pray that this work can be done. Let the medical aid be made with a spirit of sacrifice, and let people see that Christian care. May people see our missionaries’ care for both physical health and spiritual life.

The Lord with you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

A Joyful Opportunity to Evangelize

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Blessings in the name of the Lord!
Celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus is our reason for joy and thankfulness for God’s greatest gift.
On this special occasion in Victoria we invited children and their parents to church for a gift-giving event. We offered gifts in order to relate to them in a fun, practical way; in order to develop relationships between the giver and those receiving the gifts. From the youngest to the oldest everyone enjoyed receiving the gifts, which created an atmosphere of happiness and well-being.

I had the opportunity of sharing a message from the Scripture about God’s gift that springs from His love for the world. 

Over 90 parents and children who attended heard the Gospel and were challenged to receive Christ as their Savior. After the message we had a moment of prayer when they had the opportunity to show their desire for the Lord to come into their lives. Some did, but some were hesitant or even might have refused. It is God who knows the hearts. May He continue His work in those hearts who accepted His  gift of salvation. May God continue to prepare the hearts of those not ready to respond to the Gospel heard at this event.
Prayer Requests:
• For all the children and parents who heard the Gospel
• For all the people of Victoria who have heard the Gospel over the years to be convicted by the Holy Spirit to put their faith in the Lord Jesus.

• For a year of peace and freedom of faith
May God give His abundant blessings upon each of you, and may your holidays be filled with joy.

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

A Visit To My Beloved Brothers - PIEI Missionaries

Here we are into the new year: one year older, perhaps wiser, more experienced, more spiritually mature, and certainly closer to meeting our Lord whom we are waiting to return as He promised! 
I fulfilled my desire to visit again before the end of the year all my brothers in Christ, servants of the Lord, and our PIEI missionaries in their locations. I just recently returned. I found them doing well, busy spreading the Gospel, doing the work of discipleship and church planting. Each one faithfully serving, striving to be in the will of God, but also facing many challenges, especially in these times.

First, I challenged them with our PIEI vision of discipleship, and distributed literature and study materials focusing on the Holy Scripture. Second, I encouraged all to know each other and care for each other for the purpose of building our relationships with each other as well as unity in ministry. 

All our missionaries are eager to see progress in their efforts, to see people coming to the Lord. They were also happy and encouraged by Christmas gifts (some from Romania and some from the USA) from those who care and remember them and their families.
I personally feel a sense of accomplishment and joy as well as peace. I am trusting that the work of evangelism goes forward and will reach many people. I see there are still men and women who have a passion for the Lord, for reaching  lost people with the Gospel, and among them are our PIEI missionaries in Romania.

Prayer Requests:
• For our families, our churches and the places where we serve.
• For those who have heard the Gospel, that they would receive the Lord and dedicate their lives to Him.
• For a year of peace and freedom of faith.

Blessings to you all!

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

Is time a friend or an enemy?

Blessings from the Father of the Heavenly Lights! 

Is time a friend or an enemy? It depends on how we use it. However time passes for me, it must also acquire the status of “a friend.” So I seek to use time to obey the Lord, to serve others in good deeds, and to grow my spiritual maturity.

I completed a study, called Stepping Up, which focuses on being God’s men. As a small group of men we discussed the themes of the study as well as the way we see and do things in our lives. Toma Costel led the study. Brothers Bruda Dumitru/Bebe, Nechilciuc Catalin, Stancu Ionel, Timothei Stinea (my son) and myself comprised the small group.

In the service for others we were able to help complete the construction of the prayer place in Geoagiu. Last Sunday the building was dedicated. Also, ICM provided a significant financial contribution. I encouraged the church to focus not on earthly things but on heavenly things.

“Therefore, we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” -Hebrews 2:1

Although we participated in the construction, we remember that He who builds all things is GOD. He deserves all our worship and service!

Prayer Requests:

  • That we learn godly truth to be applied in everyone's life. 

  • That my brothers and I grow spiritually, becoming "patriarchs" according to the ways of the Stepping Up study.

  • That we be protected from evil.

  • That the gypsy brothers of Geoagiu to be a godly testimony for their community; and that the work of the Gospel advance among them.

  • That PIEI’s mission in Romania have a strong, spiritual impact; that missionaries seize their time to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Please pray for Romania. Thank you for your support. God bless you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI Romania National Director

The Making of Disciples

Blessings from above, from our Heavenly Father!

At the meeting with my brother Cornel and brother Walter in October it was decided that the main mission of PIE-Romania would be the MAKING OF DISCIPLES. The fulfillment of the commandment of Matthew 28 shall constitute, for all missionaries, the ultimate concern in their work!

I’ve been looking to bring this message to the attention of each and every one of the missionaries. Together with the National Committee of PIE we have come to the conclusion that every national worker should receive a study material , accessible and focused on the Holy Scripture, to be used with their first disciples.  We have been looking at a study entitled "10 Fundamental Steps towards Christian Maturity".

We wish to begin this year, not before asking the Lord, to guide us toward those who will be the first involved in the Apprenticeship process. Each missionary, thus prepare at least one person who will also be collaborators in the work, we hope, in the near future. 

I have decided that my work will begin with two Victorian brothers, who have recently returned to the Lord, and with a Romanian sister who lives in Germany. Sister Dana told me that for 4 months she has been praying to the Lord to be given the opportunity to study the Word and to serve the Lord in the way He wills. Likewise, Brother Catalin opened his soul and confessed that he had a great desire to know the Word and the Lord, much more than ever before! He is thankful to the Lord Jesus for having mercy on him, and regrets the years that he have lost so far. The third person is my son Timothy, with whom I wish to share, like all others, what the Lord has given me so far; grace, learning, experience, love. ...all from Him, for Him, and for all those for whom He gave his life!

Prayer Requests: 

  • Let us receive power from above to complete this first step! 

  • May every missionary be guided by the Spirit in the choice of their first disciple and collaborator. 

  • Let us have the study material for each participant so that we can all begin in December. 

The Lord be with you all!

Timotei Stanea, PIEI-Romania National Director