Special Occasion

In such turbulent contexts of internal causes, prices have gone up each one in its turn: food, water, gas and electricity. The turmoil and anxiety caused by Romania's border with Ukraine, is real for us, the church in Victoria.

We decided to bring a bit of peace and joy into the hearts of 23 women (unsaved). On Women's Day we celebrated with them. We treated each with respect and consideration all they do in their own homes, in order to create peace and harmony.

A group of sisters: Dana, Oara, Dorina, Mari, Mihaela, were involved in preparing food for this event. Brother Radu took care of making the invitations and buying the roses for each of them.

I prepared a few thoughts from 1 Peter 3 which explains the Bible’s way for a woman who wants to be pleasing to the Lord.

In conclusion, I made it clear that this can only be possible if the Lord Jesus lives in each of them! Eventually I asked to be allowed to pray for them and their families, which I did. The atmosphere was open and appreciated by all.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that the seed of the Gospel sown in the women’s minds brings salvation.

  • Pray that God multiplies moments we can serve people and at the same time proclaim the way of salvation.

  • Pray that the number of sisters and brothers who serve will multiply.

  • Pray as the church in Victoria may always be ready in fulfilling the duty given by the Lord Jesus! We thank all those who carry us in prayer! God bless you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director