The annual report of the PIEI Romania

National Ministry for the year 2022 Timotei Stanea, National Director and the PIEI National Missionaries, PIEI- Romania

Short History

The years of communism and the obstacles raised by it did not stop the Christian work in Romania, but contributed to the formation of young Christians who developed a strong desire to deliver the gospel to the unsaved. Their mission was not always visible, but because of communism had to be more secretive; however, everywhere in the country there were groups of young people visiting different places, bringing with them the good news of salvation and bringing joy, encouraging the hearts of the believers in remote areas.

In 1990 after the revolution in Romania, a great wave of young Christian people from all over the country were involved in the work of evangelism, many of whom are today's missionaries and pastors. I am one of them and I am so thankful that He chose me and called me. In 1990, immediately after the revolution I got involved in evangelism and church planting; the church in the city of Victoria being the fifth one of them. Today I work and serve there as a pastor and also as a PIEI missionary.

1990 was also the year when I met Daniel Stef, one of Cornel Stef’s younger brothers, and I heard about his desire to support national missionaries. Together we visited the city of Victoria where I was already doing evangelism. This was the city where the former dictator Ceaușescu said it was "not infected by religious mysticism" and was declared a communist city. Here Partners in Evangelism International got behind me and got heavily involved in evangelization, support for me as their first missionary, and especially in the construction project of the church building which still serves the church's work and ministry today.

After more than 10 years of serving the church in Victoria and also the Sibiu community as a regional coordinator, I was called to work as the national director of PIEI. Out of gratitude and thankfulness for what PEI has done, I have returned to serve with PIEI, and can say that I serve the Lord, my fellow believers and people in this ministry. PIEI continues to be an active force on the mission fields of Romania in 2022.

Timotei Stanea - front center, green shirt, PIEI Missionaries Romania, with Cornel Stef Summer 2022

1. Vision

To establish national missionaries to fulfill the great commission by spreading the gospel and discipleship of those called by our Lord to His kingdom by training, equipping and supporting them.

2. Fellowship

Missionaries gathered at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia for fellowship, Bible Study, and Prayer

Strengthening the relationships and fellowship between our missionaries. A marked emphasis has been placed on encouraging and training missionaries as well as on developing close relationships between them, through meetings with all of them, through biblical studies undertaken by each of them, through the prayer time we all have every evening at
9:00 pm, and through regular visits that we have made to each and every one of them in their homes and and areas of ministry. God has put in our hearts so much love and His unlimited power with the desire to work in unity to accomplish His will.

3. The Ministry and its Various Aspects

It is one ministry which is manifested in many directions. It is not our work but it is God’s work that we and you do it together, in partnership, in different places, using sometimes the same tools.

  • Evangelism on the street, in the squares, from house to house or in places of assembly

  • Children’s Ministry: The PIEI missionaries have not neglected the little ones; they organized different kinds of Children’s Ministry Outreach programs and meetings, day camps, VBS, weekly programs or periodic meetings when children have been brought together to learn, have fun, and from an early age to hear about the Lord Jesus and his salvation plan for every one.

  • Street Evangelism

  • Discipleship: We focus on training disciples in small group studies. We feel it’s important to find the leaders called by God to take over the work we are doing and carry it forward.

  • Care Ministry: Helping the poor, working with orphans regardless of age, God is and remains the Father of orphans and continues to take care of them.

  • Ministering to Widows to show them they are not abandoned by
    the Heavenly Father and they have been entrusted to us to support them.

Orphan Ministry with missionary Traian Chilau
Tigveni, Arges (these orphans are institutionalized for life)

Widow Care Missionary Relu Rodean

4. External missions to PIEI-Ukraine

Thanks to brother Cornel Stef and the team in the United States
we were able to visit our brothers in Ukraine several times,
driving up with supplies for the refugees. We were glad that we
were able to offer a helping hand to our fellow PIEI missionaries there, to help them, the refugees, and the local churches over there.

5. Open doors for the Expansion of PIEI Ministry in Romania

God blessed PIEI through a donation of a property (land and building) in the town of Podari, the Southern part of the country, a place we want to be a landmark for PIEI's work and a mission center for the South of the country. It is a land suitable for a Camp Site on an area of 4.9 acres nearby the tallest part of the Carpathian Mountains in the country. Another place for a Camp in Necrilesti, the Western Carpathian Mountains, a place dedicated for personal retreat and fellowship with the Lord.

We are thankful to God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, for his incredibly great grace offered in Christ and for all of you who have carried us in prayer as we have done this year which is coming close to the end.
We will continue to pray for you that the Lord will strengthen and fulfill His will in you all, your families, your churches, and give you open doors for the gospel.

6. Pray

●  For us to be found trustworthy and faithful in the work entrusted to us.

●  To be protected from evil.

●  May God bless the work of PIEI in Romania by preparing people and resources for

●  His work to go forward.

●  May the Lord prepare before us open doors for the gospel.

●  For the people who have heard the word of the gospel in Romania and anywhere in the world to be touched and return to God before it is too late.

All of these could not have happened had it not been for the context of the blessings from the Lord and the partnership ministry of PIEI in the United States and the Romania Committee. Thank you for allowing me to share with you a few aspects of the work and ministry of PIEI Romania mission. Blessings to you all!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director

PIEI Romania (yellow vests) and PIEI Ukraine Missionaries

Timotei Speaking to the Ukrainian Refugees interpreter PIEI Missionary Valery Popov

Camp Necrilesti

River Baptism Missionary Traian Chilau

US Partnership Team - Romania Cornel Stef - Chairman
Walter Windsor - Missions Director Popa Rodica - Treasurer

Popa Alex Liviu Dragomir Daniel Stef

Mission Address



Phone: (773) 202-8500



Partners In Evangelism is an ECFA Accredited Ministry