Wonderful Times

Blessings to all! 

This week I was able to meet with brother Gabi Cuc, at Podrii. I spent an evening having a fellowship in prayer and the Word.

We discussed the burdens of the work, the sorrows, disappointments, but also the way to go to the end. Our model is the Lord who loved His people to the end, so must every servant of the Lord be.

We prayed and asked the Lord to help us with joy to end what He entrusted us to do I gladly enjoyed being with him and encouraging each other. The second we looked at the property at Podari and thanking the Lord for His gift and asked him for a clear vision, which he would give to PIEI on its use.

Prayer Requests: 

For higher power for brother Gabi Cuc, for sister Vera, but also for the missionaries of PIEI in Romania. 

Pray that they trust in the Lord in the difficult times of the work and that none fall from fatigue.

Pray that the missionaries are guided to find men of God who are apprenticed and spiritually raised so that they can take over the work done by the brothers. Practically it takes workers to harvest His harvest.

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director