Dedicated Men

Grace, peace and mercy from our Lord Jesus Chris!

February of this year began with meetings and talks with my brothers, in the southern part of the country. I’ve met with my brother Mihai Geabou, Florin Sfetcu and his family. A blessed time in discussions with my brothers about the work, her joys and her challenging troubles and the needs of the mission.

We encouraged each other and looked to see how we could do God's work with more dedication and efficiency. A noteworthy fact is given by the need for dedicated men. We wish to have with us brothers and sisters who serve motivated by the love of God, both to them and to the lost. I was pleasantly surprised while I was in brother Florin's family to hear and see how three local teenagers, a boy and two girls, had called Sister Alina, Florin’s wife, to clean and dress a wound, made by an axe while chopping some wood.

The young man was waiting for the help and medicine to disinfect the wound. I enjoyed seeing the sister lean down and take care of the injured leg. I offered myself to help but came late, still allowed me to exchange a few words with all three of them.

In simple words and in a short time we spread the Gospel and invited young people to believe in the Lord Jesus and accept Him into the mind in their lives. A special moment in which the Word and deed worked together in the sight of the salvation of three souls. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • That the Lord may bring out workers to His harvest. 

  • Missionaries may be assisted in the work of brothers and sisters dedicated to the Lord

  • Watch over the brothers, from the evil one

  • The Gospel reaches people and they receive it.

  • The hearts of the three teenagers to be touched by the Holy Spirit so they choose to believe in the Lord Jesus

Thank you all who make the work possible in Romania, either through prayer or through financial support or through active participation in the mission camps of the PIEI missionaries! Whether you were, or you want to come, to squeal with your gift as part of a pitch team, my PIEI-RO missionary brothers and I thank you and pray for the blessing of you and your family! Don't be careless, get involved, here or anywhere! God bless you!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director