Being Called to be Disciple

Grace and peace for all!

At the Christian PIEI Center in Alba Julia, Monday and Tuesday were days of grace and peace for the PIEI missionaries. We’ve met with the aim of encouraging and building our souls, studying the Word of Scripture and at the end of a deeper and clearer understanding of the administration of the things entrusted to us by God.

We are thankful to God and to all those who made this meeting possible. Monday after the meal, through the care and service of brother Myke we were led into Scriptures by brother Aurel Rodean. The theme of the study being "Clear evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, in the life of the disciple, called and sent to work" a blessed time ended with many constructive discussions, for all of us.

We also had the opportunity to have University professor with us from the University of December 1, 1918, Alba Iulia, Mr. D. Bogdan, who presented the legal framework of NGOs and their relationship with the various State Institutions. Information and experience brought added value to those present! After a dinner, with many true stories, we gathered again "around" the Scripture, where brother Mihai Geabou presented a study with the theme "Clear evidence of the dominance of the Holy Spirit in the disciple's life, called and sent into work"

I enjoyed the daring interest in the theme discussed, especially by each other's involvement. Likewise, as on the first theme, we "feel" researched and blessed by God, who called us to Him and in His work.

Tuesday after breakfast, I also spent a blessed time in the research of the Scripture, having as the theme "Evidence of filling with the Holy Spirit, in the lives of the disciples called and sent into the work"

It was supported by me, with much pathetic arguments, and with examples from the life of the Church. I have encouraged my brothers, to dare, to look into the Scriptures and to see if the messages they hear, no matter who they come from, are in accordance with what is "written".

We were subsequently assisted by Sister Rodica and brother Daniel in to effectively analyze and report the reports. A prayer of ending and trust, in the hand of God and a lunch, almost "dinner," have ended our meeting. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for all PIEI missionaries in Romania, that each one be found faithful in what the Lord has entrusted them to lay before us

  • Open doors for the Gospel 

  • Let us be guarded from the evil one

  • Let us never lose sight of the fact that the presence and filling of the Holy Spirit will always lead us to the news of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you to those who do it and to those who will do it, bless you all!

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director