
The second half of January we wanted to be dedicated to the service of our brothers in Ukraine. So we decided to form a team of four brothers, who, by the way, were also aware of the meaning of the journey and were also willing to do this service.

Finally, we gather five people and left with three microbuses and a trailer, loaded with food for PIEI missionaries from the Noua Sulita (Location for supplies) and for refugees who arrived in their service area, from the war zone.

We prayed for a good journey, under the watch of God and the help offered to express our love for the saints in need, from Ukraine. Words and prayers of thanks were raised to the Lord from our brothers, and brother Pavel Pentehachi did not take it from them but also from his willingness to serve us!

The help from the brothers in PIEI-US as well as from the brothers in Romania, was a great blessing for them and for the refugees they serve both materially and spiritually, by preaching the Gospel.

On return we visited the Roman Centre in Cernauti, another area of Christian service and testimony, with a strong impact among those suffering from the war. With the help of the Lord we have well arrived home thanking the Lord for His protection, but also for the opportunity offered to serve beyond Romania's borders.

Pray with us that the help offered may comfort the hearts of the sad and that they arrive and see how God does not leave without blessings. 

Prayer Requests:

-Pray with us for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-For the orphans and widows that we visited and with whom we work proclaiming to them the love of God, may the Lord search their hearts for repentance.

-For the families who have taken orphans from the boarding school to raise and support. They have their own difficulties every day. May God give these parents wisdom and patience in this hard work.

-For these 2 pastors that we have chosen this month, that the Lord bless them with wisdom, patience and humility to serve in the church.

-So that the Lord gives us and our families health and jealousy, so that we do not get tired of doing good to people in need who live near us. So that we are hands Christ on this earth and serve others with total devotion.

Thank you again, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for your help. May the Lord bless you abundantly! We love you and pray for you.

This are prayer requests from Pavel Petihachni.

Pray that the difficult situations in Ukraine, whether brothers or those who have not yet received the Lord, to not turn their back on God, but rather come closer to Him and call Him for help!

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director