Grace, mercy and peace to all believers

Scripture says that "more makes the end of a thing than the beginning of it!" December was extremely busy, with activities that required sustained effort both physically and spiritually. The work could not be done without support in prayer, both for me and for the PIEI missionaries. We thank all those who have raised their prayer, for us, before our heavenly Father.

Meeting with PIEI missionaries:

At the beginning of December we met at Podari, for partnership, encouragement, training, advices and more. Time ran out fast and it was as if we wished it would never end. We were encouraged by the Word of the Scripture offered by the pastor of the Baptist Church, Liviu Costea from Craiova, as well as by brother Constantin Conea, former PIEI missionary. 

We prayed for each other as well for our brothers all over the world. We prayed and asked for God's help for the work to which He called us. What was nice to find that although things could have been done better, the missionaries were able to thank God for all things and even more understood that through their unity, the work can go forward. We thought together for a collaboration in the areas where we serve, so that we can work together and visit each other and help build churches. An important reason why we gathered at Podari was in the fact that we thank God, with His care and providence, He decided that the Hope for Podars Association, to give PIEI organization a property to be used for the work of the Lord in the southern part of the country.

Discussions about the good functioning of the Association as well as the good testimony we must have in society. 

To tell people about the true significance of the Birth celebration of the Lord Jesus.

Like my brothers, I wished once again that the Bible's story of the Word becoming flesh would be made clear in the minds of those I meet.

So we prepared a meeting, to which we invited parents and children, an occasion where we had lunch together and talked about a lot of things. Some about school, family, Christmas gifts…

A pleasant, open atmosphere was created and thus the semi-basement of the Baptist Church in Victoria became "a hostel" of an Orthodox community, gladly served by a few sisters with me.

Before we parted, I shared the news about the birth of the Lord Jesus, "The gospel is urging us to receive Him, to call His name and to believe in Him!"

Supporting my brothers, to do good! According to the Word which says:

" And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful." (Titus 3:14)

I sought to be of use to my brothers by spending time with them, by praying and helping to do well, by supporting those in need, in their area of work. That's how I ended up in Campeni, where I met brother Rodean Aurel and Botar Florin.

We arrived in Alba Iulia, with gifts for children from the central area of the country and then in the southern area, to Caciulatesti, and onwards, Maldaeni, Nenciulesti, Alexandria… Over 450 gifts were offered to children from the PIEI missionaries areas.

The elderly and the widows were not forgotten, even though we could not come to the aid of all, some of them were supported by the PIEI missionaries. And this is possible because of the partnership established with the Biblical Mission in Germany, through brother Ruslan Melestean from Moldova.

I wish, as the National Director of PIEI-Romania, to have good cooperation with anyone who fears God and works righteously, brothers and sisters, received by Him.

An extremely sensitive area of work is working with refugees, people who, due to the war in Ukraine, live as foreigners among the Romanian people. The Lord recalls that: the blessings of the Father are those who "received strangers" by virtue of the fact that the PIEI organization in Romania wishes to be a presence and a manifestation of God's kindness, through his missionaries, I sought to help this area as well, together and through the ICM organization I helped a fairly large community of Ukrainians, staying in the Sighisoara area. Pastor of the Baptist Church brother Florin Boruga being caught in the work of the Lord, among them.

We are preparing to visit our brothers in Ukraine, PIEI missionaries, who are going through the horrors of war and who, despite being threatened, have chosen to stay and be of assistance to their fellow refugees from the war zone.

The visits made so far have proved to be blessings for them and for those who suffer as a result of the war. Sometimes feet worn with the zeal of the Gospel of peace must remain "barefoot" so that those who do not have this zeal can be enchanted.

In a photo I saw a man whose shoes were old and without a pleasant look. I thought that in the hurry of leaving the conflict zone, the man did not get a chance to choose his shoes, so I decided, on a new visit, to take my best shoes and give it to the person concerned. I showed the picture to brother Kioresco and asked him to hand it over to the person concerned. I was glad when he agreed to do that. I was ready to give away the shoes I was wearing and return home barefoot, but the brother did not accept that I would have been happy if it happened. I'm happy that my Sunday shoes are where they're needed. Maybe in your craving for peace you want to do more than pray, maybe you will also understand, that one can be won by accepting to "take off the shoes".

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director