God Is Present

Bless you! 

Where is God in the context of events in Ukraine, and the multiple sufferings because of war. The soul wounds due to abandonment and loss of goods collected through labor, separation from loved ones or even loss of loved ones — it is impossible not to think where is God? Why doesn't He intervene? Why does He let such things happen? Why does He not listen to the prayers of so many believers that are brought to Him?

The suffering created, under the influence of Satan, becomes inversion and hatred towards God, and this is an assault that does not exclude the faithful either. The suffering permitted, under God's hand, becomes a tool for the perfection of the life of he who understands it and obeys it.

This was the theme of the meeting with the people, women and men, and refugees in the Noua Sulita area, in Ukraine who came to the Baptist Church last Sunday.

Where is God? God is not absent or indifferent. On the contrary, as it was in Christ and reconciling the world with Himself, the Lord Jesus suffered and died for us. The Lord Jesus is with him who goes through suffering, who has a sad and wounded soul.

The Word shows us this truth, and my experience and the experience of others confirms it. I shared with them that they can turn against Him as one response. Or they can approach Him with petitions and prayers with thanks. This brings His peace which exceeds any knowledge, and will guard their hearts and thoughts in Christ! In conclusion, this teaching and encouragement was addressed to all, and to receive the Lord and to trust in Him! 

Prayer Requests:

  • May the Word bring salvation into their lives

  • May the Lord comfort their souls

  • May the churches of Ukraine to be a powerful testimony of Christ before the refugees with whom she works

  • May resources continue, so the work of the gospel can continue

  • May PIE Missionaries in Romania not give up supporting efforts and mobilize more, helping the churches where PIE missionaries work

Timotei Stanea - PIEI National Director