In God We Trust

Being taught by the Word to help the saints when they are in need, I have sought to do. With Eugen Stef, president of PIEI, we organized a new transport for Ukraine. We visited the PIEI brothers and colleagues who are involved in Lord’s work, especially serving the refugees from the armed conflict zone of Ukraine.

With Emanuel and Beni Joldos, and brother Marius we arrived well in Ukraine, where we met our brothers of PIEI Ukraine and the refugees there. Yet again being shocked by the smiles on their faces like nothing is happening.

On the same occasion I discussed with the pastor of the church, brother Valerii Popov, and brothers Paul Kioresco and Paul P about finishing the church's building site. Back in Romania I started a plan to help the brothers. The Christian Baptist Church of Medias is willing to provide the pulpit and table for the Lord's Dinner. We are working on a plan for a Christian funding project from the International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) and the Christian Church Community Baptist Sibiu, which will help the brotherhood enjoy a completed, dedicated, and inaugurated place.

Ever in positive feedback and speak 'with the help of God, that this be like the contract to buy the land' of Jeremiah! They're working on preparing a new shipment for them now.

Prayer Requests: 

  • That all be guarded by the Lord and their work and ours to prosper!

  • That our help may reach them safely 

  • The resources may be found (even in times of distress) and the church can enjoy peace.

  • That the construction project have a good end for the glory of God.

  • Let people be saved there and in Romania! 

  • That UI may be strengthen by God in whatever I’m involved.

The Lord be with you all, who pray for us and support the work in Romania! Thank you!

Stanea Timotei - PIEI National Director