March 2017

One more month passed by, and with seasons and time passing we think of the grand event happening soon: the second coming of the Lord to take away the church, His bride. We live with this hope that God will fulfill this promise. Until that moment, this hope motivates us to keep working. I am thankful to God for health so that I can continue to do ministry. I have to go to the hospital in Fundeni for blood tests and for immunosuppressant medicine, which I have to do for the rest of my life. Whenever I go to the hospital, I take advantage of the opportunity to share the Gospel.

February 2017

By the grace of God, we made it through the second month of the year, and we are thankful to God that He is in control and guides our life on earth, gives us the joy of His presence and convicts us through the Holy Spirit that we are valuable because of the Lord Jesus.

News from December

Through God’s grace and endurance, I have reached the end of December and the end of 2016. I believe each one of us has thought about another year going by, which was given by the Father. According to doctors’ prognostics, I was supposed to leave last year, but this was not according to God’s plan. We have a great God, Who is specialized in miracles.

News from September

From the very beginning of this report I want to say that every time I have to share information related to my missionary activity, I try hard not to show that this is my doing, but on the contrary, to show Jesus Christ. Recently I was encouraged by the verse in Acts 18:9-10 “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be quiet for I am with you…”

Traian Chilau - August Newsletter

Although I had a month filled with busy activities (organized two camps for youth 12 and 18 years old), I had two goals; growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and discovering the youth with special talents whose heart leans towards serving. With this in mind, I noted several names such as Leonard Maruntelu, George and Ferdi the Third, as well as some girls, all of whom I plan to invest in.

Traian Chilau Update

After we finished giving Christmas gifts at the orphanage kids and gypsy villages, together with the group of brothers we were wondering what kind of experiences we will have this coming year. For this month, the first thing we have done was to aim specific objectives for this year, this is why I felt the need to spend time in prayer and reading the Word to be able to have this light. I would like to write down a few of them which are in my heart, and I pray for God’s help in the ministry for this year.

Update from Pastor Traian Chilau

I have had a bad cold, which lasted 3 weeks and I had to go to hospital. There, I have understood why I had to be there: to reach out souls who need salvation. Therefore, during the time spent there I talked to people in groups or individually about the significance of being saved. I pray that all who have heard about Jesus Christ would be in Heaven.