Updates from January

Through the grace and mercy of God we entered into this year which I believe is a year of mercy from the Lord. Although there is much unknown ahead this year in terms of events, we trust in the Lord Jesus to live under His kind and watchful eye as God the Father is in control.

We ended 2016 with a day of prayer and fasting with three gypsy villages and the church in Curtea de Arges, a day of gratitude for all the good that God has provided for us throughout the year, for His grace, mercy and protection that accompanied us. We also started the new year in the same way: with a day of prayer and fasting, and want to live depending on Him.

We had the opportunity to evangelize in the Village of Macelary, an hour away from where I live. Years ago I went to this village for outdoor evangelism services, and was glad to see an open door for the Word. Since the distance to us was great and since there was a closer church in Campulung, we decided that this church would work with the village. They built a church building for about 200 people. We continued to collaborate with the church. Some of their children came to the camp in Curtea de Arges. I have shared this to express the joy that the Lord Jesus gives in ministry.

The weekly program with the children from the orphanage takes place in the Evangelical Church in Tigveni, and I am very glad to say that there are new girls brought by the leaders to the Bible study group. We had asked those who have become Christ-followers to bring a friend with them so that they know Jesus, in turn. We focus on building their walk with Christ in a practical way and growing in their relationship with Him.

I want to thank everyone who loves us and prays for us, to the PIE board in the States and in Romania, to the sponsors, to Ed and Didi, to the Scheau family, Barac family, the prayer group from Gabi and Cornel Stef’s house, and all who support us in prayerfully and financially.

I close with some verses from Lamentations 3:21-23, 26 “This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

Traian Chilau, PIE missionary