Reaching gypsy villages – Traian Chilau

Ever since my last newsletter I have mentioned the project I had to evangelize 3 gypsy villages. This month, we have had three days of evangelization in Rotunda, Valea Dumitresti and Valea Uiasca.  We have installed a tent which was the main attraction for kids because we have had a jumping board. The joy of children was incredible; almost all kids from the village have come. We have had Bible verses for the kids, Bible stories and each time they were invited to receive Jesus in their lives. After the kids program, we started the adult program. We have talked to people on streets, inviting them to come hear the Word. We did not have so many as we did with children, but the Word was planted. A few persons have raised hands for a change in their lives. For me, it was a moment of joy to be able to spread the good news.
We have invited a young brother to sing, and he has warmed up our souls with his songs. After Rotunda village, we have moved the tent to Valea Dumiresti, then to Valea Uiasca.
I trust the Lord working in people’s lives, and I bring thanks to all who pray for us, who support us financially, especially for PIE Committees in Romania and USA, and our sponsors.