Traian Chilau - July Newsletter

It is a great joy to write you again about the experiences that I live every month through God’s grace. The first thing I would like to mention with joy is that the transplant has been very good, I am aware that our Father is in control, for He added days to my years. I want to live for the Lord the rest of my days.

Together with my team: Nitu Petre, Dumitrescu Iosif and Teslariu Costel we take turns to visit the churches during the week. When we meet, we ask the church to pray for the needs we have seen in Rotunda, Valea Dumiresti, Valea Uiasca, Oiesti, Corbeni, Tigveni and Malureni. On Sundays, we rotate to visit the churches in Pitesti, Stefanesti and Cimpulung. This month, I have served at an evangelization service, which was been recorded on TV, and the kids from the orphanage have seen me on TV, spreading the Gospel. The recording was spread to over 200.000 subscribers. I write you about this as a prayer request, for prayer support. I see myself responsible for a great ministry in Arges district, as we have many villages on a small area. I have worked with all my heart and I pray for more volunteers in this ministry.

Another experience that we have had was the camp time with kids from three villages. We have spent over $1000 and during a week, we have learnt Bible lessons, songs, Bible verses, games. Our goal was to learn to communicate and to love Jesus.

In August I am working on a project that involved a three days camp for kids, in order to convince them to come to salvation. We pray for grace in this matter.

At the end, I want to thank PIE Committees in Romania and USA and to all who pray for us. For our sponsors, Ed and Dydi, Matei Scheau, Naomi, Barac, the prayer group at Cornel and Gabi Stef, and many others. We pray for blessings over all, and health.
I greet you with Philippians 2:13.