Traian Chilau - August Newsletter

Although I had a month filled with busy activities (organized two camps for youth 12 and 18 years old), I had two goals; growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and discovering the youth with special talents whose heart leans towards serving. With this in mind, I noted several names such as Leonard Maruntelu, George and Ferdi the Third, as well as some girls, all of whom I plan to invest in.

Another thing I would like to note is the ministry at the orphanage in Tigveni where the girls decided to spend one day a week in prayer and fasting, on a hill close to the orphanage. They pray and ask for repentance for the entire orphanage so that when the Lord Jesus comes back He would find the orphanage empty. They believe with all their heart that His return is very close. This encouraged me, and made me join them in prayer and fasting but doing so from home, not joining them on the hill. While we had fellowship together we added to the list of prayer all the people that have this ministry in Romania on their heart. We did not forget the PIE board in Romania and in the United States, Ed and Diane, Fam. Matei Scheau and Naomi, the prayer group from Cornel and Gabi Stef’s house. I thought it would be great for you to know that once a week a group of orphan children pray for all of you.

 I would also like to mention that my health is getting better, a cause of joy even if I have to go to Bucharest twice a week for medical tests. I’m glad to be able to still serve in several locations and I thank God for his grace and mercy. I would also like to share with you that you all are in my prayers, and I pray that the Lord Jesus blesses you wi th health and love, and that He would bless your family, your church and your business.

I end with the verse from 2 Thessalonians 2:16–17 “ May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our father, who loved us and by his grace gave us a eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”