News from September

From the very beginning of this report I want to say that every time I have to share information related to my missionary activity, I try hard not to show that this is my doing, but on the contrary, to show Jesus Christ. Recently I was encouraged by the verse in Acts 18:9-10 “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be quiet for I am with you…” Many times when I am in various towns, seeing the Lord’s hand at work, I can only praise Him and rejoice in His presence. 

Briefly, in the villages I visit, such as in the Valea-Dumiresti village, when I arrive I am welcome by children. They attend church, at times in large numbers. For one hour (4pm- 5pm), I do a program with the children: sing songs, memorize verses, and then open the Word of God to learn about one of the Bible stories, ending with questions and answers about the passage. One day I challenged the older boys to prepare a text from the Word, and to present to the children. I was curious to see what they would do. They first wrote their thoughts on paper. The story was about the healing of the crippled man mentioned in Luke 5:17. I was content with how they did, as the objective was to get them thinking about the Bible passage. I would also like to share that at the orphanage in Tigveni, on Thursday mornings we have Bible Study. They get to put into practice what they learn. I am amazed at the experiences they have both inside the orphanage as well as at their work place. These people are very brave, and not ashamed of being Christian. They do not start working until they pray, and they also pray before eating in public. One example is about some of the girls from the orphanage kneeling down at the bedside of the sick child of a business owner. The owner allowed them to stay and pray, and by the end of the day, the child felt better and started eating. They saw how God is Sovereign and listens to the prayer of His children who believe in His power. Many times we are ashamed, because we do not believe His power, and do not remember that He is the same yesterday, today and for eternity. On another note, I want to mention that I am looking forward to Nelu Sofrac visiting at the end of the month, to teach the Nehemiah course. I will write about this in the next report if we are still on this earth. Also, health wise, I am feeling well even though I have to go to Bucharest twice a month for checkups of the liver.

Before I close, know that you are in our prayers: the PIE board from Romania and USA, as well as those of you who support us spiritually and financially, and especially Ed and Diana, Matei, Naomi, the prayer group from Cornel and Gabi Stef’s house, and Rodica and Alex Popa who send our salary on time. We pray for all of you, as a team, and work to further the kingdom of God in the area where we live. We pray that all of you be under His protection, that He gives you all you need for your family and your business.

I leave you with the verse from Isaiah 61:10 “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall be joyful in my God for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary