News from October

Every time I write the monthly report I pray that the Lord would give me grace to be as concise as possible for those who read it. May the Spirit of God put on their heart to continue to support me in prayer, so that He would be with me every day in the mission field.

First of all, I want to share with you that at times, there is a whole week when I travel to six villages and speak from the Word. I thank God for strengthening me especially since I have the liver transplant. The liver works well, and the doctors are giving me good reports.

This week I went to the Villages of Rotunda, Valea Uiasca and Valea Dumiresti, to the orphanage in Tigveni, and to a gypsy village in Momaia. In Momaia, some of the brothers and I had gone to do house to house evangelism, year ago. Our Pentecostal brothers joined in the efforts. Many people remembered us when we went to visit them this week. We realized that there is a big education need so that skilled people work with children from very young families. I remember one time when two children went to a music teacher to teach them an instrument. One of the children had some instrument knowledge, and this child was charged more money than the other who knew nothing. The teacher’s reason was that he needs to have the child unlearn what he knew, and therefore it took much more time and effort.

With Brother Nelu Sofrac and his wife teaching the Nehemiah course, focusing on structure and organization in the ministry, we shared in great joy. We felt refreshed by their ministry both through the courses and through their church participation.

Another reason for joy this month is the fellowship opportunity we had in Alba-Iulia at the Center where the missionaries met and talked about multiple aspects of our missionary activity, and were encouraged by it.

Thanks to the PIE board in Romania and USA, and to all of you who support us in prayer and with money. I want to mention Ed and Diana, the Matei family, Naomi, the Barac Family. We pray for all of you that the Lord Jesus would bless your families with health, that He would bless your businesses with abundance, and churches with unity.

I close with the verse from Proverbs 16:3 “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.”

Traian Chilau, Pie Missionary