March 2017

One more month passed by, and with seasons and time passing we think of the grand event happening soon: the second coming of the Lord to take away the church, His bride. We live with this hope that God will fulfill this promise. Until that moment, this hope motivates us to keep working. I am thankful to God for health so that I can continue to do ministry. I have to go to the hospital in Fundeni for blood tests and for immunosuppressant medicine, which I have to do for the rest of my life. Whenever I go to the hospital, I take advantage of the opportunity to share the Gospel. I thank God because my belly and feet are not swollen anymore, the color of my skin has improved and I do not feel as tired as before when I couldn’t even walk. I am determined to serve as long as I live, especially since I feel well after the transplant. I realize that this is a miracle in my life, and I am overwhelmed by God’s love.

Close to the town where I live, there is a nursing home whose director used to work at the orphanage housed in the same building before it became a nursing home. Since I know the director, he allowed us to visit with the elderly. There were about 100 seniors there. With a team of six brothers and sisters, we spent about four hours in their company. We split into twos and visited with them in the rooms, offered them a small gift and the Word of God. The greatest joy was that we got to talk with some of them. Some were abandoned, some at the end of life. We shared the Good News with them.

The children’s ministry at the orphanage is going well. Same with the ministry in the gypsy villages.  Wherever I am invited to speak, I go. Brother Cristian who suffered an accident with a horse-drawn carriage, is doing well. Praise God for this, and thanks for all prayers for him.

Many thanks to all who are in this partnership and support us spiritually and financially, to the PIE board in Romania and USA, Ed and Dydi, Matei Scheau, sister Naomi, Marioara Barac, the prayer group at Cornel and Gabi’s house, Rodica and Alex Popa, and many others for whom we pray asking God that he would bless you with good health, a good relationship with Lord Jesus and with the church, and for your businesses. I close with the verse from 2 Chronicles 16-9 “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him”.

One more month passed by, and with seasons and time passing we think of the grand event happening soon: the second coming of the Lord to take away the church, His bride. We live with this hope that God will fulfill this promise. Until that moment, this hope motivates us to keep working. I am thankful to God for health so that I can continue to do ministry. I have to go to the hospital in Fundeni for blood tests and for immunosuppressant medicine, which I have to do for the rest of my life. Whenever I go to the hospital, I take advantage of the opportunity to share the Gospel. I thank God because my belly and feet are not swollen anymore, the color of my skin has improved and I do not feel as tired as before when I couldn’t even walk. I am determined to serve as long as I live, especially since I feel well after the transplant. I realize that this is a miracle in my life, and I am overwhelmed by God’s love.

Close to the town where I live, there is a nursing home whose director used to work at the orphanage housed in the same building before it became a nursing home. Since I know the director, he allowed us to visit with the elderly. There were about 100 seniors there. With a team of six brothers and sisters, we spent about four hours in their company. We split into twos and visited with them in the rooms, offered them a small gift and the Word of God. The greatest joy was that we got to talk with some of them. Some were abandoned, some at the end of life. We shared the Good News with them.

The children’s ministry at the orphanage is going well. Same with the ministry in the gypsy villages.  Wherever I am invited to speak, I go. Brother Cristian who suffered an accident with a horse-drawn carriage, is doing well. Praise God for this, and thanks for all prayers for him.

Many thanks to all who are in this partnership and support us spiritually and financially, to the PIE board in Romania and USA, Ed and Dydi, Matei Scheau, sister Naomi, Marioara Barac, the prayer group at Cornel and Gabi’s house, Rodica and Alex Popa, and many others for whom we pray asking God that he would bless you with good health, a good relationship with Lord Jesus and with the church, and for your businesses. I close with the verse from 2 Chronicles 16-9 “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him”.