April 2017

By the grace of God, another month passed. This month was rich in events. My wife and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary on Apr 28th, and when we looked back we saw the Lord’s hand of goodness guiding us along all these years, and accompanying us with His grace. There aren’t enough thanks for all the good He has done to us.

For Easter, I went to visit a small group of orphan children in the Village of Buzoiesti, about 100km away. These children were moved there from the Orphanage in Tigveni. Since I did some studies with these children before they were moved, my wife and I went to visit them, and took some small presents. We wanted to encourage them so they do not abandon their relationship with Jesus Christ. I connected to a local pastor and asked him to involve the children in the church services. I was very glad to see their joy when we visited them. We talked about Jesus and prayed together. They didn’t want to let us leave.

Another event was the prayer and fasting with people from three villages. We met in the Village of Rotunda, and spent a day in the Word and in prayer, growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.

Then I went to Alba Iulia to the PIE conference. Cornel and Gabi surprised us by bringing Terry Mortenson who spoke about creation vs. evolution. I learned a lot of new things during these three days. I was also glad to hear Bruce Robinson who did a study about church planting, teaching lots of useful and practical things. The conference was also useful to the women. Sister Gabi and Sister Robinson held presentations for the women who participated. My wife told me she had never participated in such a conference before.

Blessings on all of the organizers! You worked hard so that we feel great and worry-free at the conference. Although there are many other things to write, I close by thanking God the Father for giving us such brothers and sisters with whom we collaborate well. I pray for all of you and for the ones who support us, that God would bless you with good health for body and spirit, bless your families, churches and work. I close with the verse in Luke 24:29 “But they urged Him strongly, “Stay with us for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary