May 2017

Every time I write the monthly report I want to share the joy in my heart with the brothers and sisters who are partners in this work, and with all whose heart is set on furthering the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Last month we met and trained with the PIE leaders from Romania and the USA, and saw their love for the missionaries and for the work. We shared the truths from the Word of God while being trained in the Christian Center building in Alba-Iulia where the PIE headquarters are. We, as well, at the county level mobilized and decided to have small conferences with leaders about worship, the Word, prayer and updates on the missionary work in the entire county. I have shared a photo from the meeting we held at the Christian Evangelical Congregation in Campulung. We decided to meet every other month in this formula.

The weekly program at the mission points is going well. In the Village of Rotunda, within the children’s program we introduced the Parable of the Talents in a practical way. They will be earning points either through attendance or by learning verses. Points can be redeemed for small items such as candy. At the orphanage, the program takes place every Friday. In addition to prayer, we provide sandwiches, sweets and hygiene items (soap, toothpaste, brushes, toilet paper), juices and clothing as we have them available. We try our best to do ministry as for the Lord. We know our reward is with the Lord, for us and for all of you who help us. We bring you all before the throne of Grace, in daily prayer. Beside the mission points and the family, you also are on our prayer list. I think specifically of the PIE board members in Romania and USA, Ed and Dyana, Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau, Sister Naomi. I close with the verse in Colossians 1:28 “Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”

PIE Missionary, Traian Chilau