June 2017

Through the grace and mercy of God we ended another summer month, and we are grateful to God for the way He guided and protected us, and for assuring us that He is in control every day. I pray that I continue the relationship I have with Him, and that I would be in His will through His grace.

This month, by God’s grace, I had the opportunity to have nine days of evangelism in four gypsy villages, a mission field that is close to my heart. We set up a tent with a sound system and a worship team, with help from one of the missionaries named Paul Williams. This was a great blessing for children and adults because they heard the good news of the gospel. We set up the tent in the Village of Rotunda; people were encouraged and moved by the Word of God. Before starting the evangelism, we prayed that people would realize that they are sinners, that they cannot be saved by their own actions, and that salvation comes through the sacrifice of His son and by receiving the Lord Jesus. The second location was in the Village of Momaia, a place of rare beauty. There the sound system worked very well, and the message was heard into the entire village. We had two tents set up here. One was inside of a kindergarten building located on the property of the Orthodox Church. The priest was clearly against us preaching the Gospel. He called the police on us. They came out and wanted to fine us for having the speakers loud and for being on that property without a permit. We didn’t get a fine, and actually had an opportunity to share the Gospel with the police and give them some brochures and the New Testaments. Those people who heard the Gospel we encouraged to pray and accept the Lord Jesus as Savior. One woman came to tell us that she said this prayer at home while listening to the message being through the speakers. We were glad at the way God worked. We then set up the tent in Vales Uiasca, a very small village which was a bit challenging for us in terms of space. Some people accepted Christ as Savior here. The last village was Valea Dumiresti. I will share the photos I took, when my son comes to help me send them.

My heart is full of joy. I know you pray for us, for the furthering of the Kingdom of God. In Romania, we also pray for the PIE Board from Romania and the USA, for those who support us financially and spiritually, and for your health. I want to mention Ed and Diana, the Barac Family, Matei, Naomi and the prayer group from Cornel and Gabi’s house, Alex and Rodica, Daniela and Ovi Poenar, Ruben and Carmen. For all of you we pray that the Lord Jesus would reward you when He returns.

 I greet you with Psalm 100.