July 2017

Unlike June when there were four evangelism services in the gypsy villages, this month we had Christian camps with two series of children, one for 9-12 year olds, and one for 13-18 year olds. Each series had its own experience, wi th the ultimate focus of children being saved and going to heaven.


We invited children from the villages where there were evangelism services last month, i.e. in Rotunda, Momaia, Valea Dumiresti and Valea Uiasca, to participate in the Christian camp, at the cabin in the City of Curtea de Arges. We selected younger and older children, some who attended church and some who didn’t. Our hope was that every heart would be open to the Spirit of God who would convict each one of their sin, of their need for God, accepting the sacrifice He made for them. We believe that God fulfilled His work in them. They professed their acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior. With the older children or youth, the objective was spiritual growth and putting together a team called Disciples Group. With those nine youth who are part of this team, we plan to meet once a week for about four hours, to get closer and deeper with them in the Word.  We will meet at the evangelical church in town. I will keep you updated on how this is going, in the next reports.

We thank the Lord for the grace we have received to serve in the mission field and for the collaborators who help spread the good news of the Gospel to as many people as possible, so that His Kingdom would grow. We pray for the PIE leaders from Romania and the US, for all who support us in prayer and with finances. I want to mention the family of Ed and Diana, the Matei Family, Sister Naomi, the Barac Family, for the churches and the prayer and study groups.

May the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit keep you under His protection until the coming of the Lord Jesus when everyone will receive their reward. I close with Isaiah 55:1 “Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary

