August 2017

Every month I try to share with you a new aspect of the missionary work, how God leads his people day by day, and how He works through them. I learn every day that I am not the one doing this ministry, but that I am in under the lead of His Majesty.

In August, with a team from church, I had the privilege of going to the senior assisted living center in the Village of Suici. There, years ago, there was an orphanage with 400 children, as a vocational institution. The children learned various trades and were prepared to enter the workforce. I have good memories from there, especially since each one of these children got to hear the Gospel. I remember bringing teams of American Christians through PIE, accompanied by the Stef Brothers who sang. I live with the hope that we will see these children in heaven. The orphanage was replaced by the senior center, housing 120 seniors. The director is the same person who was the director of the orphanage. Because I know him, I was welcome there and was able to continue the collaboration. When we visited the center, we spent a whole day visiting each person. We divided into teams and spent time with people. Some of them have been abandoned by family and hardly have any visitors. Therefore, we took our time to talk with them, sharing about the Lord Jesus and about spending eternity in heaven. We told them about Jesus’ sacrifice, about the sinful condition, about believing that the Lord Jesus died for their sin, and about accepting Him as Lord and Savior. I am so glad to report that many of the seniors gave their heart to Jesus, many with tears in their eyes. We are so glad to be instruments in His hand, in this great work of salvation.

I want to thank all brothers and sisters who pray for us, whose heart is with us and who partner with us in the mission field. We consider ourselves a team with you, and pray for you, for the PIE leaders in Romania and USA, for all who support us financially and prayerfully. We think of Ed and Diana, Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau, Sister Naomi and others and their families. May the Lord bless you with health and anything you need on this earth. May your work and church be blessed! I greet you with Hebrews 13:1 “Let brotherly love continue.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary   
