September 2017

I am starting this report with a confession. I sent the photo of the Curtea de Arges Monastery which is 5 min away from my house. On the days when there is liturgy at the church, I go to talk to people who visit, in the yard of the monastery. The monastery is 500 years old and a tourist place. We don’t talk about the monastery but about the Savior, about the salvation through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus. I shared this photo so that the visitors would have a great memory from Curtea de Arges.

This month I connected with the local TV station to share an evangelistic message for 2h, and through the grace of God, the Gospel message reached over 200,000 homes. We need to pray that as many people as possible would open their heart for the Word of God.

Every time I visit the gypsy villages, I get to do home visits, when they have the opportunity to share their problems, to pray together and when I see their joy when I visit. This week I visited a husband and wife, Matei and Leana in the hospital, and I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the other patients in the room.

Another great experience is to listen to the adults from the Orphanage in Tigveni and hear their stories. It motivates me to continue to serve.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who prays for us and who supports us financially. We bring you before the Throne of Grace. I am thinking of Ed and Didy’s family, Matei Scheau’s Family, Marioara Barac’s family and the PIE board in Romania and the US. May the Lord Jesus reward and give you everything you need in your travels on this earth, and also in His glorious heaven when He returns in the clouds. I close with the verse that is an encouragement to me and to all those who believe it: “l sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.” Psalm 43:4-5 
