October 2017

This month my wife and I celebrated our birthdays. The surprise came from the children who had us for dinner, showered us with gifts, flowers and cake.

This month I was part of two funerals. We must always thank God for each day. It is a privilege to serve Him, being thankful for the salvation He provided as a gift through faith.

Also this month, I was part of a wonderful fellowship at the PIE Center in Alba-Iulia. I don’t know how the other missionaries felt, but for me it was encouraging to see the Spirit’s guidance in all aspects. From reading Psalm 119 by Brother Jenu Stef, to the message from the Word shared by our missionary Brother Marius Giura who encouraged us to keep serving. Brother Raul Costea presented the resources that the PIE Organization offers to the missionaries. Much of the focus was on church planting, team work and the way to recruit future workers. He gave the example of Jesus’ life, the vision, plan and direction He had. I learned new things such as how to be proactive and reactive. I prayed all the way back home to be more organized and have good direction. There are many more things to say. I left well pleased, and learned a lot about the organizational aspects as laid out by Brother Costel Tomus and Brother Andrei Dragomir. We will continue to pray for the PIE Board in Romania and USA often. This fellowship ended with a meal, a great atmosphere that demonstrated that we are united.

Every month we visit the elderly home in Suici, and we now have believers there. They gather in a room for Bible Study and prayer, similarly to the orphanage in Tigveni.

I thank God and you for your involvement in spreading the Gospel, and pray that God would give you good health to you and your families, growth in the knowledge of Lord Jesus, and blessings upon your churches and businesses. We think of Ed and Diana, Marioara Barac’s family, Matei Scheau and Sister Naomi’s family and the PIE Board in Romania and the US. I close with the verse from 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary