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Needs for the sick


I am grateful to God for the fact that I still have the opportunity to glorify Christ even in this difficult time.

1. Needs for the sick:

In the Zhilovskaya church, we have collected many products for the sick people of our region.

-These products helped orphans from homes located on the territory of the Bible Center on Kovelskaya 25.

- We also helped sick people from the village of Kotilevo. Brother Igor Dzyadik, a pastor of the church from Kotelevo, distributed this help to the poor. They were very grateful to God that there are still people who want to be near those in need.

2.Bread breaking:

-I spent bread breaking in the churches of the village of Nesvoi and in the village of Balkovtsi. I do not know what happened to the Nesvoyskaya church because in a couple of days, almost the whole church fell ill with Covid 19. My wife Larisa's parents, brother Ivan and sister Sima, also fell ill. already in old age and bear it all hard. We try to help as much as we can. We pray that the Lord will heal them and other members of our church. God help us and save us! All hope is in the Lord.

3. Nursing meeting:

On November 2, the sisters gathered in our church for prayer, because on this day was the day of fasting and prayer of all Baptist sisters from all over the world - the World Nursing Day of Prayer. The sisters prayed and donated money for the needs of the sick and needy.

4. Bible Lessons:

-This month I gave lessons from the Gospel of Luke to church and home groups, because in the Gospel of Luke there is a lot of talk about the birth of Jesus Christ. Everyone loved these lessons.


-Thank God for the fact that in our church the sick have already begun to heal.

-For the fact that young people help the sick to survive in this difficult time. They always bring them the help they need.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for my wife's parents and other members of our church who are sick with Covid, so that the Lord will heal them.

-Pray for us, the missionaries of PIEI Ukraine, that the Lord would protect us from this epidemic at this difficult time.

We are very grateful to you for your help to us and for your prayers. May the Lord bless you and give you a hundredfold blessings. We love you and always pray for you. We thank God very much for brother Rob Cooke, for a successful heart surgery, glory We have all prayed for him and are thrilled to hear the good news of recovery from Rob Cooke from Michigan.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Making new disciples


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God for the fact that He is performing miracles at the present time and helping us missionaries to conduct evangelistic meetings and people, now, have ceased to be afraid of the pandemic virus. Therefore, they have a desire to come to meetings and serve God with love.

1. Bible Studies:

In the church of the village of Nesvoya, I spend once a week studying the Bible. We study the epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews. Through these messages, I want to show the superiority of Christ over everyone and everything.

I gave lessons at the Bible Institute where I taught Homiletic, and through the epistles of the Apostle James taught students how to compose sermons. Every day the students had homework based on what they studied at the institute. They compiled sermons at home and on the second day they all preached shortly. In this way, we prepare new disciples for the glory of God.

2. Evangelism:

We held an evangelistic meeting at a rehabilitation center in Lukovtsy, Chernivtsi region. All the rehabilitants listened attentively to the Word of God and two of them decided to accept the Word of God and continue to stay constantly at the feet of Christ. May the Lord help them!

3.Mini evangelism:

In Chernivtsi I conducted 2 mini evangelizations, and after these evangelizations, I held the Breaking Service - these are those families who could not go to the meetings but wanted to participate in the Glorification of Christ.


-Thank the Lord that God gives us health and we can serve people with love.

-Thank God for the fact that in all churches children are engaged in Sunday schools and young people have restored their circles. Of course, the distance and sanitary conditions are also observed due to the pandemic. We pray to God for the youth and children of our churches.

-And I am also grateful to the Lord for the fact that more non-believers who want to listen to the Word of God began to come to our churches.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those unbelievers who visit our churches, so that they repent.

-Pray that this year our mission PIEI Ukraine will be able to hold a youth Christian camp. For the Lord to stop this Pandemic because of which we could not hold a Christian camp this year. Only the Lord can help us, because many young people called us and they call about this camp, but unfortunately, we could not hold this camp this year. We feel some kind of emptiness in our hearts, but we can not do anything without the Lord. It's all in God's hands.

-Pray for us so that we can continue to work with orphans and to help people from the war zone in Donbas.

-Pray both for me and for my family that the Lord would give us health in our work in His Field.

We are very grateful to the Lord for you, brothers and sisters, for the fact that you serve with us and we, together, are co-workers in God's Vineyard here in Ukraine. Please accept heartfelt greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Thanksgiving day


Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ! I am very grateful to God for helping us, missionaries, to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ, who calls all people to Himself to give them salvation.

1. Evangelism:

-I held an evangelistic meeting in the church of the village of Balkovtsi, where unbelievers were also present. At the same time, we thanked God for the fruits of the earth with which the Lord blessed us this year.

2.Help orphans:

-Helped a large family with the necessary food they needed.



We prayed to God that He would encourage someone to help us with food and praise the Lord that He encouraged the brothers from the PIEI Ukraine mission, who helped us with everything we need so that orphans do not need the necessary food. It was Svetlana's sister.

3. Bible Studies:

-In the church of the village of Nesvoi I teach the book of Jeremiah. Through this book, I want to show that only through complete obedience to God can we have blessings and a wonderful future, and disobedience leads to slavery.

-I also conduct Bible lessons in the church of the village of Zhilovka, and with these lessons I want to prepare new young preachers that this church really needs. Last Sunday I spent the Feast of the Harvest, where the whole church, together, thanked God for the wonderful harvest that they gathered this year. Thank God for everything!

4. Blessings of children:

The daughter of our missionary brother Alex Pascar, Alina and son-in-law Abraham had a second child, the son of Eliazar, and they invited me to ask the Lord so that He would lay His holy hands on this child so that this family and this boy would have God's protection and wonderful blessing.

5. Gratitude:

- I am grateful to God for the fact that He blessed me and my children with health and we all work in God's field.

-Thank God for the fact that He calls people to repentance through our missionaries PIE Ukraine.

-Thank God for those 2 people who repented in September. We pray for them that the Lord would confirm them in faith.

6. Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the Lord will save His people and His children from the COVID 19 epidemic.


-Our children and grandchildren have started going to school. Pray that God will save them from this COVID 19 virus.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end!

We are grateful to God for our cooperation with you in the Field of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. We always follow online for the ministry in your churches and pray with you. Thank God that our houses of prayer have already opened and we can, together with the church, worship To our God and have holy communion. Pray for us brothers and sisters further. And we love you and always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters.

May the Lord bless you abundantly, your families and your churches!

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Success in evangelization


We greet you brothers and sisters with the love of our Savior Christ! I am grateful to God that He gives us success in evangelism.


Earlier this month, I combined a young couple from the church of the village of Chudey. There were many young people for this marriage who listened to the Word of God. I am grateful to God that God protected everyone present at the wedding from the pandemic virus and everything was blessed.


I was in the church of the village of Kotilevo where I preached the Word of God at the funeral. Lydia, who was buried when she was still alive, asked me very much that if I was alive and well, I would definitely come to her funeral and preach. Her children were waiting for me and listened attentively to the Word of God. They work as teachers at the school. We pray that the Lord will touch their hearts.

3. Evangelism:

I conducted mini-evangelism in the churches of the villages: Nesvoya, Balkovtsy and Zhilovka. During the evangelization in Nesvoi, one man who works as a teacher at the school, Leonid, repented. We have been praying for him for a long time, together with his wife, and thank God that He heard our prayers. His mother is a believer and is very happy for him. We pray that the Lord will strengthen his faith in the path of Christ. Also, in the church of the village of Zhilovka, one woman repented. Her name is Maria. We pray for her too.

4.Theological Institute:

I sent from our church the village of Nesvoi, the young brother of Daniel Obersht, to study at the Theological Institute. We prepared him so that he could enter the Institute and thank God that Daniel entered the Theological Institute. We also pray for Daniel that he would have true love and jealousy learn for the Glory of the Lord.

5.Help those in need:

Our missionaries from the PIEI mission in Ukraine are still helping people who have suffered from the flood. Brother Kioresko Gregory takes on this ministry our son Andrey and his wife Rebeca. Thank God for His servants who are working in His field!


-Thanks to God for the fact that all our missionaries and their families are healthy and work in God's vineyard.

-Thanks to God for the fact that we can gather in houses of prayer although we comply with medical requirements.

- Thank God that a Sunday school for children has opened at the church. I pray that the Lord will bless our children and keep them from all evil.

7. Prayer Needs:

-Pray for this pandemic virus to stop both here and around the world.

- To stop the war in Ukraine.

- For God to prepare all of us believers for the rapture of His church.

- To protect all our children, young families and all members of our churches so that they do not get sick with a pandemic.

- For those souls who repented so that the Lord would strengthen their faith.

And we pray for you and always thank God for you. For the fact that you support us both materially and spiritually with your prayers. May the Lord bless you abundantly and give you hundredfold blessings.

We love you and pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Baptism in Rokitne


I am grateful to God for the fact that He gives us wisdom from above and His protection in this difficult time, and we can preach the Gospel to anyone who wants to listen to the words of eternal life.

1. Evangelism:

a). I organized an evangelization in the village of Zhilovka. After this evangelization, one sister repented, thank God. We pray for her.

b) Brother Kioresko Gregory invited me to be baptized in the church in the village of Rokitne, where two young people were baptized. There was a strong evangelism where I preached about baptism by faith. There were many unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God. I believe that what was sown The word will not return without fruit, we pray for these people.

c) Visited the church of the village of Fagadeu, where I preached about the suffering of Jesus Christ and at the same time encouraged all members of this church so that, in this difficult time, a time of pandemic, he hopes and looks only at Jesus Christ, and in this way overcome all the troubles and burdens of this earthly life ...

2. Bible Lessons:

-He taught Bible lessons in the church of the village of Nesvoya, at the request of brothers and sisters from this church. In these lessons I showed Jesus as the Savior of every person. There were many unbelievers who asked many questions. One of the questions was: if they also have the right to repent because these people are considered great sinners. We pray that these people understand that Christ died and suffered for all sinners.


-I was invited to the wedding of a young couple, where here I had the opportunity to give the young and all those present biblical instructions.

4.Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:


-21 August, in the premises of the Emanuel church, Novoselytsia, a meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission took place, where all missionaries gave an account of their work in the PIEI Ukraine mission, prayed together for the work of God and thanked the Lord for all the blessings that He sends us. missionaries encouraging words from the book of Jeremiah 20:23 and gave the missionaries all the sweets and medicines that were left from the package that they previously received from you with the USA. We kept all this for our annual youth camp, but due to the pandemic, we were not able to camp in this Now these sweets will be distributed by each missionary to his church to the leaders of the Sunday school when conducting lessons with the children. Thank you brothers and sisters for everything you give us. May the Lord bless your donation to Ukraine. All missionaries thanked God for you brothers and sisters. and everyone prayed that God would bless you with health and that your faith and love would increase even more, so that all of us together would be ready for the coming of our Savior the husband and groom of Jesus Christ.


-Thanks that God protects me from this virus and can serve people with love.

-Thank God for having a good family and a wife who help me in serving Jesus Christ.

-Thank God for praying for us and through your help we can expand the Kingdom of Heaven to Ukraine.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for all our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission so that God will continue to save them from the pandemic virus and so that they can continue to proclaim the Gospel to all people.

-Pray that the state of Ukraine will not be against our meetings and that we can continue to gather and glorify Christ.

-Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine and an end to the COVID 19 Pandemic around the world.

We pray for you and love you. May the Lord bless you all our dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

We are close to the people


I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I am grateful to God for the fact that in this difficult time, with God's help, the Word of God is preached in every locality, Chernivtsi region, with power and love.

1. Social assistance to victims of the flood:

- Together with his brother Kioresko, he visited many flood-affected villages along the Prut River. I was shocked by what I saw and told everything to the church in the village of Nesvoi, then together with the church we decided to collect some help for these people. Now, we are distributing what we have collected to the suffering people.

2.Bread breaking:

- Held the breaking of bread in three churches: in the church of the village of Nesvoya, in Balkivtsi and in the church of the village of Zhilovka-Chernivtsi region. During these services, fervent grateful prayers were lifted to God for His protection and for the fact that we can freely remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We visited the sick and spent bread breaking with them.


3.Home groups:

-In many homes, the Church of Nesvoya, we have home groups where people gather and study the Word of God together with them. We want to encourage people to repent in this way, so that they do not fear this virus, but fear God and be afraid to commit sin.


-Thanks to God for the fact that the Lord gives all of us as a missionary PIEI Ukraine and our children health.

- I am grateful to God for the fact that we can already get together to church, although we keep a distance, but all the same it is already good. -Grateful for the fact that God helps us to study in Sunday school with children.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end.

-Pray for me so that I can continue to preach and teach Bible lessons to young people in the power of the Holy Spirit as before.

-Pray for my family that God will keep all my children from sin and that all have a blessed future.

I always thank God for you, my dear brothers and sisters. For the fact that you always pray for us and help us financially so that we can carry out fruitful ministry in the Lord's Field, here in Ukraine. We always pray for you that God bless you all with health. The Lord has saved you from this COVID 19 Pandemic.

May the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Please accept my family's heartfelt greetings to everyone we know and who knows us.

Be blessed! Respectfully yours, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

Consequences of the flood


Consequences after the flood from June 25, 2020, in Bukovina. -Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, we want to inform you how events are developing after the great flood that began on June 25 this summer and the water flooded the gardens of our missionary brothers where all their harvest was lost. They are trying to do something, sow, transplant, but we do not know if it will turn out to grow until the fall. All the vegetables have already rotted. All the products already need to be bought on the market. We visited our missionaries who got into this flood and saw for ourselves how hard it is for them now. Our churches also joined in to help all people caught in this flood. Here are a couple of testimonies from three of our missionaries: Gortopan Mihai, Preutesa Vasily and the Martsinyuk family Vitaliy and Alina is our translator from the PIEI Ukraine mission.

  1. Gortopan Mihai


Greetings from the Hortopan family. We turn to brothers and sisters partners from the PIEI organization with thanksgiving for your help and for supporting us in your prayers. It has been almost one month since our whole garden was flooded after June 25, this summer. After about 10 days, when the land dried up a little, we began to recycle this land and reseed it again. It was difficult. It was necessary to clean the land from the swamp and then with a walk-behind tractor dig up all the ground and prepare for sowing other crops such as radishes, dill and parsley, beans so that they could give birth before autumn. I also sowed corn as feed for our cow. The land is heavily cultivated because the land is very hard. There you can see in the photo that I cultivate the land with a walk-behind tractor, and Zina, my wife, is cultivating the cabbage that we planted after the flood, and the greens are already growing a little there. The previous harvest before the flood was all rotten and we threw away everything: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beans, parsley and other crops. We already buy all these products on the market, because others simply will not have time to grow and ripen before the fall. Only little tomatoes have come to life, pepper and corn, but there will be no harvest. Everything withers and dries up. We try to work and re-sow everything, but what is lost cannot be returned back. Here the words of Scripture from the book of Job are very useful: -The Lord gave and the Lord took away, let the Name of the Lord be blessed! Job 1:21. We are very grateful to you that you are interested in us how we live after the flood and pray for us, help us - this is a great consolation for us that brings us joy in our hearts. We also love you and pray for you and for your God's work that you do helping others. We wish the Blessings of the Lord to be with you all Amen! With love to you the Hortopan family.


2. Vasiliy Preutesa

Greetings to brothers and sisters from America. Thank you for not staying indifferent to our problem. These pictures are from a couple of weeks after the flood. In different places where I have gardens of more than 70 acres, the harvest is gone. This swamp with a layer of 5 cm, which remained after the flood, stopped everything and begins to dry out. Thank you very much to everyone who helps us morally, prayerfully and financially. God bless you!

3. Martsinyuk family

Dear brothers and sisters,

We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to you for supporting us in our troubles that we have gone through this summer – the flood. Because of heavy rain last month, most of Ukrainian villages have been hit hard with severe floods. Our village has been heavily flooded too and our home, our back yard and garden that is a vital part of our home have also been severely flooded. The flood has caused great damage to us. All the vegetables and crops in the garden and fields have been spoilt. We ran out of our food supply, as our income much depends from the vegetables we grow in our gardens and our food supply comes from there. We cleaned all the mud from our front yard even tried to replant some potatoes (photo added). We trust God that He will take care of us, because He promised us in His word that and we will not lack anything.

Be blessed, Martsinyuk family

Missionary meeting


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I thank God for the fact that He protects me from all bad things and I can carry out ministry in many churches during this difficult time, the time of quarantine.

1.Bread breaking:

-With God's help, I held a Breadbreak in the church of the village of Nesvoya. Almost all members of the church who so ardently wanted to remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ took part in this service.

-On the same day, July 5, after lunch, we held a meal at the church in the village of Balkovtsi, where all church members attended this important service.

-And on July 12, with God's help, I plan to make a baptismal ceremony in the church of the village of Zhilovka, where, with God's help, I want to help this church grow spiritually, and so that it multiplies in the number of church members. We pray for this church.



-In the village of Stalnivtsi, Chernivtsi region, I and Larisa (my wife) held the funeral of one elderly brother (brother Stefan). At this funeral there were 30 unbelievers and relatives of the deceased. I preached both at home and in the cemetery. Larisa and another sisters from this church served singing, glorifying the Lord. The children and relatives of the deceased brother were pleased with this funeral. We pray that all 30 non-believers who were present at the funeral will repent.

3. Worship in small groups:

-I conduct classes with those people who can come to the meeting in 3 churches in order to strengthen them spiritually.

4.Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission:

-Yesterday, July 10, our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission met in the house of prayer in the town of Novoselitsa, where the pastor of the church is brother Valery Popov. Each missionary brother gave a report on the work done for the first half of the year. Thank God that God preserves the lives of our missionaries and they work with full dedication in the Lord's Field. We had good communication, prayed together for each other, prayed for all the brothers and sisters from the United States who help us work here in Ukraine and praised God for giving us such partners in the gospel. We prayed that the Lord would stop this COVID 19 pandemic. We believe that the Lord will bless us and never leave us, Glory to Him!


-Thank God for protecting me and my family

- for helping me to do the breaking of bread in churches where church members have the opportunity to remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

-For every missionary of the PIEI Ukraine mission, because they work with full dedication and love in God's vineyard.

-Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters who support us here in Ukraine in doing the work of God, with your prayers and materially. May the Lord reward you with His blessings a hundredfold!

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for our Chernivtsi region, because many people continue to suffer from this disease COVID 19, so that this virus calms down both in our country and in the whole world.

-Pray that we can hold at least daytime children's Christian camps, in a small number. Until we are not allowed by the state to hold camps due to quarantine.

-To God help people understand that they need to repent of their sins and not grumble at God, and in this difficult time so that people search for God more! May the Lord bless you richly dear brothers and sisters.

With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

One pastor went away due virus


Peace of God to you brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God because He helps us to preach the gospel in such a difficult time when all people are in fear of death and seek salvation from this virus. And we have this opportunity to tell them that the only way out is Christ Who has the power to help, save and comfort.

1.Bread refraction:

The Lord helped me make bread-making in the church of the village of Zhilovka, Chernivtsi region, where this little church had such a desire to hold this service with them and did not know how, because they were still in quarantine. I helped them to perform this service and, thank God All was well. All brothers and sisters, with tears in their eyes, thanked God for His protection and blessings. There was one woman (her name is Valentina) who was looking for the Lord, but has not yet decided to repent. We pray for her and her family (she has a husband and 2 adult sons).


2. The quarantine continues.

Parliament of Ukraine continued quarantine, in our Ukraine, until July 31, 2020, because our region, Chernivtsi, is very heavily attacked by this virus (CAVID Pandemic 19). There are many villages where almost half of the people fell ill with this virus. One pastor from Chernivtsi region (brother Vanya Miaun, 70 years old) went away from this virus forever. His wife (Larisa) is still in the hospital. We pray for her that the Lord will heal her. We also pray for many of our brothers and sisters who fell ill with this disease.


This morning, June 17, at 8 o’clock in the morning, my own older brother Mikhail Petihachny (70 years old) died. Larisa and I were at the pre-funeral service and helped there, comforting his son and his wife, as well as their grandchildren. I preached the Word at the funeral, and Larisa helped the choristers to sing, because the choristers come in small numbers due to quarantine. There were also unbelieving relatives and children. They listened to the Word of God and we pray for them that the Lord touches their hearts.

4. Social assistance:

The PIEI UKRAINE mission helped patients from the village of Nesvoi, Chernivtsi region, and many patients from other churches with money and humanitarian assistance.


5. Thanks:

-Thank God that all the missionaries of the PIE UKRAINE mission are healthy and work on the field of God with boldness.

-Thanks God for the fact that spiritual programs are broadcast via online and for the fact that we have missionaries who broadcast spiritual radio programs through Radio Bukovina.

6. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the Lord to stop this COVID 19 virus.

-To God protect the families and children of our missionaries from all evil.

-To give the Lord His wisdom to us, so that we know what to do and act in this difficult time.

We always pray for you brothers and sisters and are grateful to you for your care and assistance that you render to us, we always praise and thank God for you. Be blessed! With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

Bukovina is flooded


Welcome, dear brothers and sisters from the United States.
As you know, we had a flood in Bukovina after many rains. The Prut River rose and water flooded many people's gardens, as well as water flooded their homes. Three of our missionaries also fell under this problem: Brother Gortopan Mihai, brother of Preute Vasilia and our translator of our mission PIEI UKRAINE-Martsinyuk Alina, her husband Vitaly and 5 of their children. We want to inform you about the situation with our missionaries. Sincerely yours Pavel and Larisa Petikhachny.


1. Greetings from the Gortopan family.
Dear brothers and sisters, our partners of the gospel, from the PIEI mission. We are very happy and grateful to God for knowing you and for working together in the Field of God. We are grateful to you for your material help and for praying for us.
Today, Sister Larisa Petikhachna called us and through her call we realized that you, brothers and sisters from the United States, are interested in how we are doing after the flood. This is very encouraging and comforting that there are brothers and sisters in Christ who understand the hardships and troubles in which we turned out.
On June 5, 2020, we were hit by a big flood, from the side of the Prut River, after many thunderstorms the dam broke somewhere in the Carpathians. Subsequently, water came to our entire garden and the entire crop disappeared from the garden and the crop in the greenhouse. The water did not go away and stood for so many days. As can be seen from the photo after 4 days of stagnant water, the whole crop rotted. In the garden, a swamp with silt to the knee. It all needs to be cleaned. For us, this test is very difficult. We used to collect cucumbers and tomatoes from the greenhouse every day and sell them at the market. That's how we kept our family. If we had to prepare food for the family, we all found it in our garden (onions, garlic, potatoes, various greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage), in short, everything we needed and now we were left with nothing. And in the market all vegetables have risen in price. Our basement was also full of water, now we have cleaned it. We are sending you a photo with the flood. There you can see another design. There our son Sergei bought a house next to our house and he also had water in the garden next to the house. This month he and his wife gave birth to a son. They named him Stas, so God gave us another grandson. Stas is already 3 weeks old. May the Lord bless this young family and protect it from all evil.
Through this brief description of our situation, we want you to receive sympathy and support from both brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Peter 3: 8).
Finally, be all unanimous, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, friendly, humble.
With love and great gratitude, your brothers and sisters in Christ are the Gortopan family.

2. Greetings from the Martsinyuk family.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We greet you in the name of our Jesus Christ. We are thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to serve our Lord and be at His disposal whenever He needs it. Our family has been working with PIEI for many years, especially at the Summer Camp in Ukraine. In the past week, most of Ukrainian villages have been hit hard with torrential rain and severe floods. Our village has been heavily flooded too and our home, our back yard and garden that is a vital part of our home have also been severely flooded. We as well as the majority of people who live there, our income much depends from the vegetables we grow in our gardens and our food supply comes from there, with barn animals and chickens and bees, country life. God has blessed us with 5 beautiful children and the flood has caused great damage to us. All the vegetables and crops in the garden and fields have been spoilt. My mother who is 82 lives with us too, because she is old, she needs special care. We ask you to pray for our family as well for the other families who suffered from the flood and we believe that God Who is our Father will take care of us wonderfully and we will not lack anything in winter until spring.
May God bless you and thank you for your prayer support. We pray for you too.

3. Greetings from the Preutesa family.


Peace to you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission.
I`d like to tell you a little story about a flood in Ukraine. A quarter of my backyard which I have was fully flooded. It is about 15 acres of land. Praise the Lord my house and the front yard were not flooded. As you can see on these pictures flood was everywhere and there no alive corn. We had wheat and barley and other corn, but now we left with nothing.
We are grateful that mission PIEI prays about us and worries of us. We are brothers in Christ and are united with one Spirit in our troubles.  
We are thankful to you for your support for us. Thanks to it we can perform our mission in Ukraine.
God bless you, we pray about you!