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Success in evangelization


We greet you brothers and sisters with the love of our Savior Christ! I am grateful to God that He gives us success in evangelism.


Earlier this month, I combined a young couple from the church of the village of Chudey. There were many young people for this marriage who listened to the Word of God. I am grateful to God that God protected everyone present at the wedding from the pandemic virus and everything was blessed.


I was in the church of the village of Kotilevo where I preached the Word of God at the funeral. Lydia, who was buried when she was still alive, asked me very much that if I was alive and well, I would definitely come to her funeral and preach. Her children were waiting for me and listened attentively to the Word of God. They work as teachers at the school. We pray that the Lord will touch their hearts.

3. Evangelism:

I conducted mini-evangelism in the churches of the villages: Nesvoya, Balkovtsy and Zhilovka. During the evangelization in Nesvoi, one man who works as a teacher at the school, Leonid, repented. We have been praying for him for a long time, together with his wife, and thank God that He heard our prayers. His mother is a believer and is very happy for him. We pray that the Lord will strengthen his faith in the path of Christ. Also, in the church of the village of Zhilovka, one woman repented. Her name is Maria. We pray for her too.

4.Theological Institute:

I sent from our church the village of Nesvoi, the young brother of Daniel Obersht, to study at the Theological Institute. We prepared him so that he could enter the Institute and thank God that Daniel entered the Theological Institute. We also pray for Daniel that he would have true love and jealousy learn for the Glory of the Lord.

5.Help those in need:

Our missionaries from the PIEI mission in Ukraine are still helping people who have suffered from the flood. Brother Kioresko Gregory takes on this ministry our son Andrey and his wife Rebeca. Thank God for His servants who are working in His field!


-Thanks to God for the fact that all our missionaries and their families are healthy and work in God's vineyard.

-Thanks to God for the fact that we can gather in houses of prayer although we comply with medical requirements.

- Thank God that a Sunday school for children has opened at the church. I pray that the Lord will bless our children and keep them from all evil.

7. Prayer Needs:

-Pray for this pandemic virus to stop both here and around the world.

- To stop the war in Ukraine.

- For God to prepare all of us believers for the rapture of His church.

- To protect all our children, young families and all members of our churches so that they do not get sick with a pandemic.

- For those souls who repented so that the Lord would strengthen their faith.

And we pray for you and always thank God for you. For the fact that you support us both materially and spiritually with your prayers. May the Lord bless you abundantly and give you hundredfold blessings.

We love you and pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.