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Baptism in Rokitne


I am grateful to God for the fact that He gives us wisdom from above and His protection in this difficult time, and we can preach the Gospel to anyone who wants to listen to the words of eternal life.

1. Evangelism:

a). I organized an evangelization in the village of Zhilovka. After this evangelization, one sister repented, thank God. We pray for her.

b) Brother Kioresko Gregory invited me to be baptized in the church in the village of Rokitne, where two young people were baptized. There was a strong evangelism where I preached about baptism by faith. There were many unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God. I believe that what was sown The word will not return without fruit, we pray for these people.

c) Visited the church of the village of Fagadeu, where I preached about the suffering of Jesus Christ and at the same time encouraged all members of this church so that, in this difficult time, a time of pandemic, he hopes and looks only at Jesus Christ, and in this way overcome all the troubles and burdens of this earthly life ...

2. Bible Lessons:

-He taught Bible lessons in the church of the village of Nesvoya, at the request of brothers and sisters from this church. In these lessons I showed Jesus as the Savior of every person. There were many unbelievers who asked many questions. One of the questions was: if they also have the right to repent because these people are considered great sinners. We pray that these people understand that Christ died and suffered for all sinners.


-I was invited to the wedding of a young couple, where here I had the opportunity to give the young and all those present biblical instructions.

4.Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:


-21 August, in the premises of the Emanuel church, Novoselytsia, a meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission took place, where all missionaries gave an account of their work in the PIEI Ukraine mission, prayed together for the work of God and thanked the Lord for all the blessings that He sends us. missionaries encouraging words from the book of Jeremiah 20:23 and gave the missionaries all the sweets and medicines that were left from the package that they previously received from you with the USA. We kept all this for our annual youth camp, but due to the pandemic, we were not able to camp in this Now these sweets will be distributed by each missionary to his church to the leaders of the Sunday school when conducting lessons with the children. Thank you brothers and sisters for everything you give us. May the Lord bless your donation to Ukraine. All missionaries thanked God for you brothers and sisters. and everyone prayed that God would bless you with health and that your faith and love would increase even more, so that all of us together would be ready for the coming of our Savior the husband and groom of Jesus Christ.


-Thanks that God protects me from this virus and can serve people with love.

-Thank God for having a good family and a wife who help me in serving Jesus Christ.

-Thank God for praying for us and through your help we can expand the Kingdom of Heaven to Ukraine.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for all our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission so that God will continue to save them from the pandemic virus and so that they can continue to proclaim the Gospel to all people.

-Pray that the state of Ukraine will not be against our meetings and that we can continue to gather and glorify Christ.

-Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine and an end to the COVID 19 Pandemic around the world.

We pray for you and love you. May the Lord bless you all our dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.