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Thanksgiving day


Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ! I am very grateful to God for helping us, missionaries, to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ, who calls all people to Himself to give them salvation.

1. Evangelism:

-I held an evangelistic meeting in the church of the village of Balkovtsi, where unbelievers were also present. At the same time, we thanked God for the fruits of the earth with which the Lord blessed us this year.

2.Help orphans:

-Helped a large family with the necessary food they needed.



We prayed to God that He would encourage someone to help us with food and praise the Lord that He encouraged the brothers from the PIEI Ukraine mission, who helped us with everything we need so that orphans do not need the necessary food. It was Svetlana's sister.

3. Bible Studies:

-In the church of the village of Nesvoi I teach the book of Jeremiah. Through this book, I want to show that only through complete obedience to God can we have blessings and a wonderful future, and disobedience leads to slavery.

-I also conduct Bible lessons in the church of the village of Zhilovka, and with these lessons I want to prepare new young preachers that this church really needs. Last Sunday I spent the Feast of the Harvest, where the whole church, together, thanked God for the wonderful harvest that they gathered this year. Thank God for everything!

4. Blessings of children:

The daughter of our missionary brother Alex Pascar, Alina and son-in-law Abraham had a second child, the son of Eliazar, and they invited me to ask the Lord so that He would lay His holy hands on this child so that this family and this boy would have God's protection and wonderful blessing.

5. Gratitude:

- I am grateful to God for the fact that He blessed me and my children with health and we all work in God's field.

-Thank God for the fact that He calls people to repentance through our missionaries PIE Ukraine.

-Thank God for those 2 people who repented in September. We pray for them that the Lord would confirm them in faith.

6. Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the Lord will save His people and His children from the COVID 19 epidemic.


-Our children and grandchildren have started going to school. Pray that God will save them from this COVID 19 virus.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end!

We are grateful to God for our cooperation with you in the Field of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. We always follow online for the ministry in your churches and pray with you. Thank God that our houses of prayer have already opened and we can, together with the church, worship To our God and have holy communion. Pray for us brothers and sisters further. And we love you and always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters.

May the Lord bless you abundantly, your families and your churches!

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.