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Bukovina is flooded


Welcome, dear brothers and sisters from the United States.
As you know, we had a flood in Bukovina after many rains. The Prut River rose and water flooded many people's gardens, as well as water flooded their homes. Three of our missionaries also fell under this problem: Brother Gortopan Mihai, brother of Preute Vasilia and our translator of our mission PIEI UKRAINE-Martsinyuk Alina, her husband Vitaly and 5 of their children. We want to inform you about the situation with our missionaries. Sincerely yours Pavel and Larisa Petikhachny.


1. Greetings from the Gortopan family.
Dear brothers and sisters, our partners of the gospel, from the PIEI mission. We are very happy and grateful to God for knowing you and for working together in the Field of God. We are grateful to you for your material help and for praying for us.
Today, Sister Larisa Petikhachna called us and through her call we realized that you, brothers and sisters from the United States, are interested in how we are doing after the flood. This is very encouraging and comforting that there are brothers and sisters in Christ who understand the hardships and troubles in which we turned out.
On June 5, 2020, we were hit by a big flood, from the side of the Prut River, after many thunderstorms the dam broke somewhere in the Carpathians. Subsequently, water came to our entire garden and the entire crop disappeared from the garden and the crop in the greenhouse. The water did not go away and stood for so many days. As can be seen from the photo after 4 days of stagnant water, the whole crop rotted. In the garden, a swamp with silt to the knee. It all needs to be cleaned. For us, this test is very difficult. We used to collect cucumbers and tomatoes from the greenhouse every day and sell them at the market. That's how we kept our family. If we had to prepare food for the family, we all found it in our garden (onions, garlic, potatoes, various greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage), in short, everything we needed and now we were left with nothing. And in the market all vegetables have risen in price. Our basement was also full of water, now we have cleaned it. We are sending you a photo with the flood. There you can see another design. There our son Sergei bought a house next to our house and he also had water in the garden next to the house. This month he and his wife gave birth to a son. They named him Stas, so God gave us another grandson. Stas is already 3 weeks old. May the Lord bless this young family and protect it from all evil.
Through this brief description of our situation, we want you to receive sympathy and support from both brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Peter 3: 8).
Finally, be all unanimous, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, friendly, humble.
With love and great gratitude, your brothers and sisters in Christ are the Gortopan family.

2. Greetings from the Martsinyuk family.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We greet you in the name of our Jesus Christ. We are thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to serve our Lord and be at His disposal whenever He needs it. Our family has been working with PIEI for many years, especially at the Summer Camp in Ukraine. In the past week, most of Ukrainian villages have been hit hard with torrential rain and severe floods. Our village has been heavily flooded too and our home, our back yard and garden that is a vital part of our home have also been severely flooded. We as well as the majority of people who live there, our income much depends from the vegetables we grow in our gardens and our food supply comes from there, with barn animals and chickens and bees, country life. God has blessed us with 5 beautiful children and the flood has caused great damage to us. All the vegetables and crops in the garden and fields have been spoilt. My mother who is 82 lives with us too, because she is old, she needs special care. We ask you to pray for our family as well for the other families who suffered from the flood and we believe that God Who is our Father will take care of us wonderfully and we will not lack anything in winter until spring.
May God bless you and thank you for your prayer support. We pray for you too.

3. Greetings from the Preutesa family.


Peace to you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission.
I`d like to tell you a little story about a flood in Ukraine. A quarter of my backyard which I have was fully flooded. It is about 15 acres of land. Praise the Lord my house and the front yard were not flooded. As you can see on these pictures flood was everywhere and there no alive corn. We had wheat and barley and other corn, but now we left with nothing.
We are grateful that mission PIEI prays about us and worries of us. We are brothers in Christ and are united with one Spirit in our troubles.  
We are thankful to you for your support for us. Thanks to it we can perform our mission in Ukraine.
God bless you, we pray about you!