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One pastor went away due virus


Peace of God to you brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God because He helps us to preach the gospel in such a difficult time when all people are in fear of death and seek salvation from this virus. And we have this opportunity to tell them that the only way out is Christ Who has the power to help, save and comfort.

1.Bread refraction:

The Lord helped me make bread-making in the church of the village of Zhilovka, Chernivtsi region, where this little church had such a desire to hold this service with them and did not know how, because they were still in quarantine. I helped them to perform this service and, thank God All was well. All brothers and sisters, with tears in their eyes, thanked God for His protection and blessings. There was one woman (her name is Valentina) who was looking for the Lord, but has not yet decided to repent. We pray for her and her family (she has a husband and 2 adult sons).


2. The quarantine continues.

Parliament of Ukraine continued quarantine, in our Ukraine, until July 31, 2020, because our region, Chernivtsi, is very heavily attacked by this virus (CAVID Pandemic 19). There are many villages where almost half of the people fell ill with this virus. One pastor from Chernivtsi region (brother Vanya Miaun, 70 years old) went away from this virus forever. His wife (Larisa) is still in the hospital. We pray for her that the Lord will heal her. We also pray for many of our brothers and sisters who fell ill with this disease.


This morning, June 17, at 8 o’clock in the morning, my own older brother Mikhail Petihachny (70 years old) died. Larisa and I were at the pre-funeral service and helped there, comforting his son and his wife, as well as their grandchildren. I preached the Word at the funeral, and Larisa helped the choristers to sing, because the choristers come in small numbers due to quarantine. There were also unbelieving relatives and children. They listened to the Word of God and we pray for them that the Lord touches their hearts.

4. Social assistance:

The PIEI UKRAINE mission helped patients from the village of Nesvoi, Chernivtsi region, and many patients from other churches with money and humanitarian assistance.


5. Thanks:

-Thank God that all the missionaries of the PIE UKRAINE mission are healthy and work on the field of God with boldness.

-Thanks God for the fact that spiritual programs are broadcast via online and for the fact that we have missionaries who broadcast spiritual radio programs through Radio Bukovina.

6. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the Lord to stop this COVID 19 virus.

-To God protect the families and children of our missionaries from all evil.

-To give the Lord His wisdom to us, so that we know what to do and act in this difficult time.

We always pray for you brothers and sisters and are grateful to you for your care and assistance that you render to us, we always praise and thank God for you. Be blessed! With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.