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Missionary meeting


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I thank God for the fact that He protects me from all bad things and I can carry out ministry in many churches during this difficult time, the time of quarantine.

1.Bread breaking:

-With God's help, I held a Breadbreak in the church of the village of Nesvoya. Almost all members of the church who so ardently wanted to remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ took part in this service.

-On the same day, July 5, after lunch, we held a meal at the church in the village of Balkovtsi, where all church members attended this important service.

-And on July 12, with God's help, I plan to make a baptismal ceremony in the church of the village of Zhilovka, where, with God's help, I want to help this church grow spiritually, and so that it multiplies in the number of church members. We pray for this church.



-In the village of Stalnivtsi, Chernivtsi region, I and Larisa (my wife) held the funeral of one elderly brother (brother Stefan). At this funeral there were 30 unbelievers and relatives of the deceased. I preached both at home and in the cemetery. Larisa and another sisters from this church served singing, glorifying the Lord. The children and relatives of the deceased brother were pleased with this funeral. We pray that all 30 non-believers who were present at the funeral will repent.

3. Worship in small groups:

-I conduct classes with those people who can come to the meeting in 3 churches in order to strengthen them spiritually.

4.Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission:

-Yesterday, July 10, our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission met in the house of prayer in the town of Novoselitsa, where the pastor of the church is brother Valery Popov. Each missionary brother gave a report on the work done for the first half of the year. Thank God that God preserves the lives of our missionaries and they work with full dedication in the Lord's Field. We had good communication, prayed together for each other, prayed for all the brothers and sisters from the United States who help us work here in Ukraine and praised God for giving us such partners in the gospel. We prayed that the Lord would stop this COVID 19 pandemic. We believe that the Lord will bless us and never leave us, Glory to Him!


-Thank God for protecting me and my family

- for helping me to do the breaking of bread in churches where church members have the opportunity to remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

-For every missionary of the PIEI Ukraine mission, because they work with full dedication and love in God's vineyard.

-Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters who support us here in Ukraine in doing the work of God, with your prayers and materially. May the Lord reward you with His blessings a hundredfold!

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for our Chernivtsi region, because many people continue to suffer from this disease COVID 19, so that this virus calms down both in our country and in the whole world.

-Pray that we can hold at least daytime children's Christian camps, in a small number. Until we are not allowed by the state to hold camps due to quarantine.

-To God help people understand that they need to repent of their sins and not grumble at God, and in this difficult time so that people search for God more! May the Lord bless you richly dear brothers and sisters.

With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.