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Consequences of the flood


Consequences after the flood from June 25, 2020, in Bukovina. -Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, we want to inform you how events are developing after the great flood that began on June 25 this summer and the water flooded the gardens of our missionary brothers where all their harvest was lost. They are trying to do something, sow, transplant, but we do not know if it will turn out to grow until the fall. All the vegetables have already rotted. All the products already need to be bought on the market. We visited our missionaries who got into this flood and saw for ourselves how hard it is for them now. Our churches also joined in to help all people caught in this flood. Here are a couple of testimonies from three of our missionaries: Gortopan Mihai, Preutesa Vasily and the Martsinyuk family Vitaliy and Alina is our translator from the PIEI Ukraine mission.

  1. Gortopan Mihai


Greetings from the Hortopan family. We turn to brothers and sisters partners from the PIEI organization with thanksgiving for your help and for supporting us in your prayers. It has been almost one month since our whole garden was flooded after June 25, this summer. After about 10 days, when the land dried up a little, we began to recycle this land and reseed it again. It was difficult. It was necessary to clean the land from the swamp and then with a walk-behind tractor dig up all the ground and prepare for sowing other crops such as radishes, dill and parsley, beans so that they could give birth before autumn. I also sowed corn as feed for our cow. The land is heavily cultivated because the land is very hard. There you can see in the photo that I cultivate the land with a walk-behind tractor, and Zina, my wife, is cultivating the cabbage that we planted after the flood, and the greens are already growing a little there. The previous harvest before the flood was all rotten and we threw away everything: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beans, parsley and other crops. We already buy all these products on the market, because others simply will not have time to grow and ripen before the fall. Only little tomatoes have come to life, pepper and corn, but there will be no harvest. Everything withers and dries up. We try to work and re-sow everything, but what is lost cannot be returned back. Here the words of Scripture from the book of Job are very useful: -The Lord gave and the Lord took away, let the Name of the Lord be blessed! Job 1:21. We are very grateful to you that you are interested in us how we live after the flood and pray for us, help us - this is a great consolation for us that brings us joy in our hearts. We also love you and pray for you and for your God's work that you do helping others. We wish the Blessings of the Lord to be with you all Amen! With love to you the Hortopan family.


2. Vasiliy Preutesa

Greetings to brothers and sisters from America. Thank you for not staying indifferent to our problem. These pictures are from a couple of weeks after the flood. In different places where I have gardens of more than 70 acres, the harvest is gone. This swamp with a layer of 5 cm, which remained after the flood, stopped everything and begins to dry out. Thank you very much to everyone who helps us morally, prayerfully and financially. God bless you!

3. Martsinyuk family

Dear brothers and sisters,

We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to you for supporting us in our troubles that we have gone through this summer – the flood. Because of heavy rain last month, most of Ukrainian villages have been hit hard with severe floods. Our village has been heavily flooded too and our home, our back yard and garden that is a vital part of our home have also been severely flooded. The flood has caused great damage to us. All the vegetables and crops in the garden and fields have been spoilt. We ran out of our food supply, as our income much depends from the vegetables we grow in our gardens and our food supply comes from there. We cleaned all the mud from our front yard even tried to replant some potatoes (photo added). We trust God that He will take care of us, because He promised us in His word that and we will not lack anything.

Be blessed, Martsinyuk family