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Church is opened again


I am grateful to God that He gives the necessary blessings in all circumstances of life, and we, the church of Christ, can testify the gospel to all people.

1. Church service:

We, the Church of Jesus Christ from the village of Nesvoy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine, from May 24 began to gather together in the House of Prayer, to glorify Christ. Church members, both older and younger, joyfully thanked God for giving us the opportunity to again glorify the Name of Jesus Christ together. The state allowed us to get together, only set us the condition that we would comply with sanitary medical requirements, get together in small numbers, maintain distance and wear more masks. Our church members agree to get together already.

We also helped the church from the village of Zhilovka to get together in the House of Prayer. Now we are preparing to conduct, in these churches, the refraction. So will all the churches of the Novoseletsky district.


2.Home groups:

After we started to get together at the House of Prayer, everyone decided not to disband the small home groups where they had gathered together during the pandemic for almost 2 months, but they want to continue to come together in small groups to study the Word and prayer, just not while serving a church in the House of Prayer. I am very glad that all members of the church were kindled for prayer and for the glorification of Christ.

3. Bible studies online.

We, with the leaders of the Bible Institute, throughout Ukraine studied the Epistles of St. Paul to the Kolosians online for 10 days. It was wonderful to use this session time to study this beautiful book from the Bible, and for spiritual growth, Thank God!


- I thank God for the fact that in this difficult time of the pandemic, all believers were more kindled to glorify Christ and prayer.

-I thank God for helping us, the church of Christ, to help all the sick to plant their gardens.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray for us so that from now on, when we get together, so that no one gets sick from the COVID 19 pandemic virus, otherwise our Prayer Houses will be closed again.

-Pray for those unbelievers who came to small group meetings to repent.

-Pray for all of us, 8 missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, that we will be protected by God from all that is bad and have the strength to evangelize in this difficult time.

Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you.

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.