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Gospel in home groups


I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I am grateful to God for sending His Son Jesus Christ to redeem us and give us His strength and protection in the gospel.

1.Mini Evangelism:

Church, the village of Nesvoia is divided into small groups. One group gathers in a house of worship, and the other in houses where each group has its own leader. Every Sunday, unbelieving people come to these groups who want to pray with us and want to praise the Lord through chants.


Coming to prayer in these groups, I realized that I had to pray to God through Jesus Christ so that God would hear my prayer. I realized that only Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God the Father and man. I so want the Lord to forgive me, bless and protect me and my family. Misha.


In the village of Nesvoia we had 2 funerals. Two brothers went to eternity: one is 63 years old and the other is 80 years old. We held this funeral with a small group of singers and with two preachers. Relatives of the dead were mostly unbelievers and heard the Word of God. We pray for them so that the Word of the Lord will reach the hearts of people and that they will repent.

3.Bread refraction:

In many churches, they performed bread-breaking, as follows: In the church they consecrated bread and wine with prayer, and then believers came in small groups at different times and took part in the bread-breaking. We pastor and deacon served our brothers and sisters. And then they visited the sick at home, where they also joyfully joined the church accepting the bread-breaking.


-We are grateful to God for helping us to perform our ministry in such circumstances.

-That the believers in our churches have not lost their love for Jesus and their zeal to serve him.

-For these trials through which the Lord leads us, His children.

-We are grateful to God and for you brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us in your prayers, for supporting our services here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and your families abundantly.

5. Prayer needs:

-Our dear ones, pray that the Lord has mercy on us all and stop the Pandemic COVID 19. So that we can again come together in our prayer houses and glorify the Almighty of our Lord.

- That we could hold Christian camps for children this summer.

-To the preached Word to unbelievers, brought many fruits of repentance.

-For the recovery of many of the ministers and believers that this virus touched.

We also pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will protect you and your families, wherever you are, from all evil and give everyone health, peace, joy in Christ! Be blessed!

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.