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Needs for the sick


I am grateful to God for the fact that I still have the opportunity to glorify Christ even in this difficult time.

1. Needs for the sick:

In the Zhilovskaya church, we have collected many products for the sick people of our region.

-These products helped orphans from homes located on the territory of the Bible Center on Kovelskaya 25.

- We also helped sick people from the village of Kotilevo. Brother Igor Dzyadik, a pastor of the church from Kotelevo, distributed this help to the poor. They were very grateful to God that there are still people who want to be near those in need.

2.Bread breaking:

-I spent bread breaking in the churches of the village of Nesvoi and in the village of Balkovtsi. I do not know what happened to the Nesvoyskaya church because in a couple of days, almost the whole church fell ill with Covid 19. My wife Larisa's parents, brother Ivan and sister Sima, also fell ill. already in old age and bear it all hard. We try to help as much as we can. We pray that the Lord will heal them and other members of our church. God help us and save us! All hope is in the Lord.

3. Nursing meeting:

On November 2, the sisters gathered in our church for prayer, because on this day was the day of fasting and prayer of all Baptist sisters from all over the world - the World Nursing Day of Prayer. The sisters prayed and donated money for the needs of the sick and needy.

4. Bible Lessons:

-This month I gave lessons from the Gospel of Luke to church and home groups, because in the Gospel of Luke there is a lot of talk about the birth of Jesus Christ. Everyone loved these lessons.


-Thank God for the fact that in our church the sick have already begun to heal.

-For the fact that young people help the sick to survive in this difficult time. They always bring them the help they need.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for my wife's parents and other members of our church who are sick with Covid, so that the Lord will heal them.

-Pray for us, the missionaries of PIEI Ukraine, that the Lord would protect us from this epidemic at this difficult time.

We are very grateful to you for your help to us and for your prayers. May the Lord bless you and give you a hundredfold blessings. We love you and always pray for you. We thank God very much for brother Rob Cooke, for a successful heart surgery, glory We have all prayed for him and are thrilled to hear the good news of recovery from Rob Cooke from Michigan.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.