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Missionary meeting

I am grateful to God for the fact that He still gives us strength, wisdom and health, and I can still complete the work of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.


-This month the Lord helped me to complete 2 funerals. The first funeral, where the mother of my wife, Larissa, at the age of 84, passed into eternity. So the Lord wanted to take her home to Himself and we cannot do anything. The father was left who is very hard without She was his right hand in the family. She prayed for him and the children, fed all the guests who came to their house. And now it is very difficult for him. We pray for him and help him as much as we can. At this funeral, brother helped me with preaching and organizing Gregory Kioresko and we are grateful to the Lord for him. There were a lot of unbelievers who listened to the Word of God. We pray that the Word of God preached will be strengthened in the hearts of these people.


-The second funeral was also held in our village, in Nesvoi. One elderly brother, at the age of 89, brother Vladimir, departed into eternity. I organized this funeral and, thank God, the Word was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that all who hear the Word of God will repent and accept Christ, especially the children of the brother of the deceased who are still unbelievers.

2. Evangelism:

-Organized an evangelization in the village of Zhilovka, where he preached the Word of God and after this evangelization sister Valentina repented for whom we have been praying for a long time. Thank God! Now we pray for her husband-family and 2 sons so that they too would repent. At the end of this evangelization I made a baptism and all members of this church participated in this ministry.

3. Study the Word of God:

-This month, together with my students, I went through the books: The Gospel of Luke and James. In these lessons there were brothers and sisters who devoted themselves to this ministry, and took the responsibility to create new groups so that these lessons would be taught further.

4.Meeting of missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission:


-Last week we had an annual meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where each missionary was accountable for the work done in the mission. We thanked God for everything He did for us throughout the year, for His protection, for brothers and sisters from America, from the mission PIEI, who helped us in our ministry in Ukraine and prayed for us, and financially supported us - Thank God. They prayed for all sponsors that the Lord would bless them with health and protect them from the Covid epidemic. They prayed that the Lord would protect our churches from this epidemic.


-Thank God that young people are already gathering in the church to study the Bible.

-Thank you for the children's club that started to work.

-Thanks that we are almost all healthy and can glorify the Lord.

-Thank you for your prayers for us and for the material assistance which is a blessing for us.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that all the sick from our church (Nesvoya) will be healed. There are still sick people who are lying with pneumonia.

-Pray that we, the missionaries of PIEI Ukraine, serve in the power of the Holy Spirit and that we will be protected by God from the Pandemic virus and from everything bad.

-To all churches of the PIEI Ukraine mission be duplicated in number and as members of the Church of Christ.

-To hold a Christian youth camp in 2021, which was planned from July 26 to July 30. Only the Lord can help us in this matter.

We, too, pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord will protect you from all evil and from the Pandemic.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2021 to all of you!

All of our missionary brothers conveyed their heartfelt greetings, and my family also sends you Christian greetings. May the Lord bless you all abundantly.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.