Feast of the Harvest

The peace of God and the Love of Jesus Christ be with you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God that He gave me health and gave us a peaceful sky so that we could preach to people His Holy Word.

1. Feast of the Harvest:

-On September 25, together with the church, we celebrated the Feast of the Harvest - Thanksgiving Day to the Lord for all the fruits and gifts of the earth, as well as for the spiritual fruits that God blessed us this year - Glory to Him for everything. There was a very rich program where our choir participated, our youth and children from Sunday school. We had guests from Zhilovka, Forosna, and the Rehabilitation Center from Malinovka. We are also regularly visited by 3 unbelieving people from immigrants. They are from Kharkov. All these products that we collected on Thanksgiving Day, we took and distributed to the boarding school for children with cerebral palsy in Magala and also took the products to the Psychiatric Hospital in Chernivtsi. All the patients thanked and praised the Lord for the delicious products. Thank God that we were able to help these sick people.

2. Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

-On September 28, we missionaries of the PIEI mission had a wonderful meeting at the Emmanuel Church in Novoselitsa, where we had a wonderful conversation with our missionary brothers, prayed together for each other, prayed for our ministry here in Ukraine during this time of war, thanked God for the fact that so far the Lord has mercy and peace in us, although in other places of Ukraine a terrible evil is happening. We also thanked the Lord for all our sponsors of the PIEI mission from the USA. We prayed that the Lord would protect their families and their churches and that the Lord would give all our sponsors health and peace. Also, we discussed how best and more fruitfully to serve in this difficult time for us. Especially for the migrants who live among us. I am grateful to God for this wonderful mission and for the good team that we have in this mission.

3. Breaking bread:

-On October 2, we had Holy Communion in our church - Remembrance of the death and suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ. I also visited 3 sick people at home with Holy Communion. They were very happy with our visit, for being able, together with the church, to receive Holy Communion.

4. Visiting refugees:

-We still have many refugees whom we visit regularly. We bring them food and everything they need to live here. We pray for them, and we tell them about Christ. God grants that they understand that Christ loves them and they must repent.

5. Thanksgiving:

-I am grateful to God that we have you, brothers and sisters from the USA. You support us very much in our ministry here in Ukraine. We feel the power of your prayers for us and thanks to your help we can serve people more - Praise God!

-I am grateful to God for giving me health and I can serve people who need help.

-I am grateful to God for the fact that the Lord protects us and gives us a peaceful sky, without bombing in our Chernivtsi region.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-For those migrants whom I visit so that they delve into the Word of God and repent. And for those 3 refugees who visit our house of prayer so that the Lord tests their hearts for repentance.

- So that we continue to be peaceful, so that there are no bombings in Bukovina so that we can serve people in this difficult time of the war.

Our dear brothers and sisters, we also pray all the time for you and wish you all the best blessings from the Lord for you. Receive true and warm greetings from my family in the Name of Jesus Christ.

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Ordinations of 2 brothers deacons

Peace of God brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank God for the fact that in our area it is peaceful and calm and the Lord helps us, His servants, to work and sow the Word of God among the people who live with us here in Bukovina.

1. In the middle of the month of August, we had a holiday in the church. There were ordinations for 2 brothers of deacons. One of them was my brother Leonid. He has a family of 6 children and 1 grandson. They already work in the church, along with my wife, leading our church choir. I am very happy for him. The second brother is also one of the young leaders of our church, Veniamin Chupak. They also have 6 children with his wife Natasha and are working with teaching children from Sunday school. I rejoice that the Lord has given me such helpers in the church. We pray that the Lord will help them and guide them in serving for God. We also had many guests from the regional committee of the ECB.

2. For almost the whole month, I visited and helped the church from the village of Malinovka. Brother pastor Mircea is now absent for a while and I have to replace him until September 15. I am glad that after our visits to this church and after visits to the Rehabilitation Center, one repented a guy (his name is Sergei) from this center. Last Sunday, he came to our meeting and went out in front of the church to repent before the Lord. We also pray for Sergei that the Lord strengthen his faith and that he be a true servant of Christ.

3. I also had the blessings of a child, one Sunday from August, with one young family. The whole church prayed for the child and for this family so that the Lord would bless them.

4. On the last Sunday of August, we had a prayer for all schoolchildren who study in schools and universities. So that the Lord blesses the entire academic year with a peaceful sky and the health of all schoolchildren. The whole church supported us in prayer with tears before God for peace in Ukraine and so that the Lord save our children from all evil.

5. Breaking bread:

-We had communion in the church from the village of Malinovka, and in our church our 2 deacon brothers, who were recently ordained to this ministry, made communion. Thank God for giving us this opportunity to calmly and peacefully remember the death and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ!

6. On Saturday, September 17, we start Saturday meetings with children in our church. All children from the school who wish can come to participate in these meetings. Our youth leaders have prepared wonderful programs for them every Saturday. We pray for these meetings too.

7. Thanksgiving:

-I am grateful to God for the peaceful sky in Bukovina. For the fact that we will be able to freely proclaim the Word of God to people.

-Thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support, both material and prayerful. Without this support, it would be hard for us to serve here at this difficult time for us now.

-I thank the Lord for giving us health and strength for service.

8. Prayer requests:

-Pray, together with us, that the war in Ukraine will end. So that we, in Bukovina, will continue to live peacefully and calmly, that we serve people and the Holy Word, and help for those in need.

-Pray for the children's meetings that we will have every Saturday in our prayer house, in September and October. May everything be blessed.

-For our visits to refugees, that the Lord bless us and give us wisdom on how to comfort them and how to help them, both materially and spiritually.

We pray for you, brothers and sisters from the PIEI America mission, that the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold blessing for your sacrifice for Ukraine. My family sends Christian greetings to everyone who knows us! Hello to the Doornbos family, Bill and Sherina, and brother Cornel Steph and his wife Gaby.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Paskar Alex.

God is kind

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, I greet you with the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise God for the month of August, which was so fruitful through the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus!

  1. Christian camp.

-From August 1 to August 6, a youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission “Candela” was held in Boyany. Many leaders from our church were included in this camp: 5 leaders, 1 teacher, and 4 singers and musicians. They worked zealously as for the Lord. We rejoice and thank the Lord for our youth who love to serve the Lord. Thank God that of those vacationers who were in the camp from our village, 4 repented and 3 guys from the village of Malinovka, this is a neighboring village.

2. Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

-On Saturday, August 6, our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission had a meeting with the guest brothers who came to us on August 2. They preached the Word of God in the camp, in the mornings, and then in the villages among the settlers. There was a very blessed meeting: we got to know each other, prayed for each other, and exchanged experiences in serving on the field of the Lord. Then, after a delicious lunch, we, all together with all the missionaries, went to Novoselitsa to the Emmanuel Church, where the brothers brought humanitarian aid for us, the missionaries, to distribute to the refugees who live among us. Thank you all for this help, which helps us serve the refugees not only in word but also in deed, helping them with the needs they have. I have already prepared 4 large packages of food and took them to 4 refugee families. They were very happy and thanked the Lord for such necessary help.


-August 3 we visited, with brothers from the USA, br. Cornel Steph, br. Will and br. Mark, refugees who live in our village. We encouraged them with the Word of God, prayed for them and about their problems. After dinner we did street evangelism and proclaimed the Word to the people who passed by us. There were those among them who listened with interest to the Word of God. We pray for such people as well.

-I visited a church from Malinovka where the pastor of the church left for a short time and I temporarily replace him until September 12. There, after the service, one guy came out to the meetings, his name is Arthur, 18 years old, who was in our camp and repented there. He came to church and again repented before God and was very glad that he made this decision in his life - to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in his heart - Glory to God. The church rejoiced and glorified the Lord.

- In our church, thank God, everything is fine. Young people work hard and want to serve the Lord. 4 children and teenagers repented from us in the camp - Thank God!

-Our church collected food and money to send to the front for our soldiers who are defending Ukraine. We send all this to the village of Nedoboivtsi, and there are good cooks who preserve these meat and vegetable products. Then they send it to where it is needed. We also pray for those soldiers who defend the country there.

4. Thanksgiving:

-Thank the Lord for the fact that we still have peace and quiet in this time of war. And we can calmly serve God. May God continues to have peace in our area.

-Thank you brothers and sisters from the USA for helping us make such a big camp. Without you, we would not be able to do this. Thank you for your prayers and help in the ministry.

-Thank God for the wonderful harvest of repentance of the children in this blessed camp.

-Thank God for our young people who serve the Lord with zeal.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the war in Ukraine would end. So that our lands would not be exposed to the danger of bombing.

-Pray for those people who have heard the Word of God so that the Spirit of God will work in their hearts. Pray for those children who repented in the camp, so that they keep to the end of the path of faith.

-Pray for me that the Lord would give me health and strength in serving Him.

-Pray for our church. On Sunday there will be ordinations for 2 brothers deacons. These are my brother Leonid Paskar and brother, in Christ, Venya Chupak. May the Lord bless them and their families in this responsible service.

And we love you and pray for you always. May the Lord bless you and your families and give you blessings a hundredfold! My family sends greetings to everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ!

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Blessing a baby

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ!

Glory to God for this month, July, which God helped me to work fruitfully in His Field, proclaiming the Word of God among people.

1. After that, a team from the United States, which was with us, was sent home and we visited together the refugees who live among us, on July 10, a family from refugees came to the meeting. They are from Kherson region, which is located in the south of Ukraine. Now this city is occupied Russian troops. This family brought a newborn to the church for a prayer of blessing. I, and our whole church, prayed for this family, Natasha and Sasha, and for baby Dominik, so that the Lord would bless the little boy and parents, and that the Lord would stop this war. Then our Sunday school children congratulated this family and had a rich program for this family, blessing and glorifying the Name of our Lord.

We took this family to our home, where we prepared a delicious festive dinner for them. They were very happy, together with our family. They prayed together that God would help liberate their city from the invaders. They really want to return to their home.

2. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for each of you, brothers and sisters, because thanks to you we can work among the migrants where we live. And also thanks to you we can organize a Christian camp every year, Non Stop, in Boyany. May the Lord bless you and return you blessings a hundredfold.

-I am grateful to God that it is still quiet and calm in our region of Bukovina and we can serve God among the refugees and among other people freely proclaim the Word of the Gospel.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray together with us that the war will end soon. And that it will continue to be calm in our area, that we proclaim the Word of God to people and help the migrants and the needy who live among us.

We thank you very much for your prayers for us and for your help during this difficult time for us.

We always pray for you. Our family sends Christian regards to all. With love for you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Aid for refugees with the US team

We greet you dear brothers and sisters from the USA with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God for the fact that He used me this month to minister the gospel among the people of immigrants and preach the Word to the church.

On June 1, 29, after lunch, we were waiting for a team of our brothers and sisters from the USA of 7 people, led by br. Cornel Stef. We met at one Pizzeria in the village of Strointsi, not far from Novoselytsia, and got acquainted with all the members of this wonderful team that came to Ukraine to work in the ministry among refugees. We thanked the Lord for protecting them on the way and prayed that the Lord would protect them and during their stay in our area. Then I took 3 sisters to my home to live: Martha, Sarah and Elizabeth. Our eldest daughter, Adela, came home from Italy on vacation, and she looked after these sisters - thank God for that He helped us through our daughter. In the evenings, together with the sisters from the USA, we visited the sisters of the sick from our church, and also visited the parents of my wife Nadia, who are also in old age in the village of Rokitne. They were very happy and prayed for these sisters and for the entire US team.

-July 1, together with Brother Cornell and Pastor Kevin, we visited 11 refugees. They listened to them. Each has its own story. They experienced hard and difficult times during these months of the war. They told them about Christ, that only in Christ is our comfort and our protection. The fact that the Lord helped them get to Bukovina is also the grace of the Lord. They admit that they really feel safe and protected in our area. That our people are especially hospitable. USA. They were very happy and said - Thank God that He does not forget us through good people.

-July 2, with brothers Cornel Stef and pastor Pavel Petikhachny, we visited the Rehabilitation Center in the village of Malinovka, where IDP families live there. Brother Kornel and brother Pavel preached there. We prayed for these people. They also asked a lot of questions and we, with God's help, answered them with the Words of Holy Scripture. We gave them humanitarian aid for which they praised God.

On July 3, our church held communion and I visited the sick in their homes where they also participated in this service - they remembered the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Communion.

-July 4, in the morning, we had a meeting of our missionaries with our families, and with the entire team of brothers and sisters from the USA. There was a blessed meeting - Praise God.

-July 5, we saw off our brothers and sisters with a prayer of gratitude to God for them, and petitions from the Lord for protection for further travel to Romania and then to the USA. We handed them over in the Hands of our Lord so that He would protect them from all evil.


-Thank the Lord for the fact that we were calm during this difficult time of the war and the brothers and sisters from the United States lived in safety with us.

-I thank the Lord for using this team to comfort the refugees who live among us. For the humanitarian products that they brought, the refugees praised God and thanked the Lord for these products.

-I thank the Lord for the Word of God, which was proclaimed in our villages among the refugees.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for all the people and among the settlers, and among our fellow villagers who heard the Word of God these days, so that the Lord would test their hearts so that they would understand This Word of God and repent.

-Pray for me that the Lord would give me health. That He would protect our Bukovina, our villages and our families and further from this war.

-Pray for our Christian camp in Boyany, which will be held from August 1 to 6. So that the Lord protects everyone from all evil and that there is repentance among teenagers, children and youth.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. My family sends a big hello to everyone who knows us. Say hello to the Doornbos family, Bill and Sherina. We love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Third transport from Romania

I greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for helping us preach the Word of God in our area this month too. For the fact that while we are calm and not bombed, we can still proclaim the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ to people who are wandering in sin.

  1. Third transport from Romania:

-At the end of the month of May, we were visited by a group of brothers and sisters from Romania and the USA. These are brother Cornel Stef and brother Walter, as well as the family of Popa Alex and Rodica from the USA. Also, brother Timothy Stanya, director of the PIEI Romania mission, and brother Beni visited us. They brought us the third transport for these two months with humanitarian aid. We took these products to our settlers and they were very grateful to God and our brothers who brought these products.

Brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI Mission, and Brother Walter from the USA also visited our church where everyone was happy and encouraged by the visit of our brothers. They listened to the Word of God and everyone glorified God.

Then, after lunch, all our missionaries met with a team from Romania and the United States, who came to us in Ukraine. We had wonderful fellowship with our families. We prayed to God that He would stop this war and also thanked the Lord for it’s still calm in Bukovina and we can calmly communicate and praise God. It was a blessed resurrection in our life - Glory to God!

2. Breaking bread:

-On the first Sunday of the month of June, we had the breaking of bread, together with our church, where we remembered the death and suffering of our Jesus Christ. He also visited the sick brother, his name is brother Dmitry, with the breaking of bread and also bought him the necessary medicines for which he was very grateful God that the Lord helps him through our church-Glory to God for everything!

3. Family of immigrants:

- In our daughter Alina's house, there lived a family of immigrants from the city of Kherson. This city is still under Russian occupation. Their daughter gave birth to a newborn and we helped them in everything. We took their daughter to the Maternity Hospital in Chernivtsi, bought diapers and other medicines .This brother, the father of this family, preached to our congregations. Then we helped them move to the city for more convenience because there is a small child. Now they visit the House of Peace prayer house in Chernivtsi, where the shepherd is our brother missionary Pastushak Gregory.

There are now 10 migrants of believers left in our church, and in our village there are more non-believing migrants. We help both our believers and non-believers as well. They all praise and thank God for such help they need - Glory to God!

4. Thanksgiving:

-Thank you, always to God, for you brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for your financial assistance, which comes to us in such a timely manner and in such a difficult time for us - Glory to God and thank you!

-Grateful to God for the 3 transport of humanitarian aid for our refugees and for those in need.

-We thank God for the peaceful sky over the Chernivtsi region during these 3 months of war.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray together with us that the war in Ukraine would soon end, only God can help us in this.

-Pray for a successful trip of a team from the USA to us on June 29, led by brother Cornel Stef. That the Lord would protect them all 5 days of their stay in our region. And that the Lord would give us a peaceful sky over our Bukovina during all the days this team stays with us May they work fruitfully in the Niva of God in our region of Chernivtsi.

We always pray for you, brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you all with health and give you a hundredfold blessings from heaven.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Paskar Alex.

Help for migrants

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ our Lord! Thankful the Lord for His mercy shown to us for protecting and helping us to preach the Word of God, although we are now in difficult times.

1. Breaking bread:

-On the first Sunday of this month, our church held a communion where we remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. I also went to a sick brother's home and held a communion. He was very happy that he was able, together with the church, to participate in the communion and remember the sufferings of Christ on the cross of Golgotha ​​for the salvation of all people on earth.


- May 8, on Sundays, I, with a group of teenagers, visited two small churches: Forosna and Zhilovka. With us was another preacher from Romania, brother Giani. These brothers and sisters were overjoyed and thanked the Lord for the Word of God and for the praise songs of our teenage choir. Praise God!

3. Help for migrants

-We also have migrants whom we serve together with our church. My daughter Alina provided her house to the migrants. 2 families live there and we help them with food and all the means necessary for life. Also, other families from our church provided their houses for shelter We thank the brothers from Romania for bringing humanitarian aid 2 times already, and we also pray for them because the PIEI Romania Mission is going to bring us 3 humanitarian vehicles. All our refugees, and we have 27 of them in our church, are very grateful to God for these products and other help that our brothers give them.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We thank the Lord for helping us and we are still quiet. And we can serve people both spiritually and financially helping them during this difficult time of the war in Ukraine.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for helping us with your prayers before God for Ukraine and for helping us and sending financial aid for our refugees.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the war ends here in Ukraine.

-Pray that the Lord will continue to preserve our region of Bukovina, so that we can continue to preach the gospel and help people who come to us for help and shelter.

-For me, so that the Lord strengthens and gives me health to serve people.

We are very grateful to the Lord for you brothers and sisters. We know that you are praying for us and we also pray unceasingly for you and your families that the Lord bless you with health and the peace of Christ. We thank God for brother Bill Doornbos that, with God's help, he went through this operation safely. We always pray for the Doornbos family so that the Lord He blessed and strengthened their health. Brother Bill and Sister Sherine, please accept our family's warm regards.

We wish all the brothers and sisters of the PIEI America Mission abundant blessings from God!

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

We were not bombed

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and grace of Jesus Christ! Christ is Risen! Christ is truly Risen!

1. Thank God for helping us to celebrate Easter-Resurrection of Christ in silence, with us, and we were not bombed.

Also on Thursday, until Sunday, we remembered the Lord's Supper with 12 disciples. We had a day of fasting and prayer, and in the evening the whole church gathered and celebrated the Last Supper. We thanked and praised the Lord for His Calvary feat. We also visited the sick home with the communion.

2. This month we visited 2 small churches Forosna and Zhilovka twice. These brothers and sisters are always waiting for us and rejoice for our visits, because we encourage them with the Word of God. Our youth always have a program of worship and the Name of Christ is glorified in these churches.

3. On the Easter holiday, our youth, the church choir, as well as children had a rich program for the glory of the Risen Christ, for our evangelism. There were many people in the church, as well as from unbelievers. We pray for them so that God would test their hearts and they would repent. We also have many refugees who come to the congregation. For 2 days in a row we gathered in our church and praised God for mercy and love for us.

4. Caring for refugees:

There are 27 refugees in the homes of our church members. I am grateful to God that today, April 28, we received a lot of humanitarian assistance from the brothers from the PIEI Romania mission, and I brought these products to the refugees - each refugee family. They were very happy that we are helping them products, warm blankets, linen, washing powders, vegetables and fruits.

5. Thanksgiving

- We always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us in your prayers and helping us financially, especially now when there is a war in Ukraine. We feel your prayers and your help.

-We are grateful to God for peace in our region, for the fact that they do not bomb rockets over us - this is the mercy and grace of God over us - Glory to Him!

-We thank the Lord for saving the brothers from Romania on the way to us and on the way back. Thank God for everything!

-We thank God for health, for giving us strength and zeal to work in His field. Especially now, in this difficult time, there is a lot of work in God's Vineyard.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray together with us for the war to end. For the Lord to give wisdom to the president and all who are in the leadership of our country. We trust the Lord and believe that God will help and hear our prayers.

-Pray that the Lord will give us further strength and love to serve the refugees.

-To repent all the refugees who heard the Word of God.

-For our youth and children, so that the Lord protects them from the horrors of war.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country. Accept heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

We are still alive and serve refugees

I greet you dear brothers and sisters from the USA with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ.

1. It has already been more than a month since the war began in Ukraine and we thank God that, by His grace, we are alive and well. For the fact that it is still quiet and peaceful in our area and we can accept refugees who are fleeing from horrors wars from the North, from the South and from the East of the country.

We have 5 refugees in our family who live with us in the family. We communicate with them, feed them. We help in any way we can. They also need consolation, this war beat them too much. And in the families of our church members there are also refugees about 31 people with children. There are unbelievers among the refugees. They come to us at our meetings and together we glorify God.

2. Also, youth and our children have a weekly analysis of the Word of God. Here they rehearse songs for the church program on Sundays. Also, refugee children come to these analyzes of the Word of God and glorify the Lord together with our children.

3. Thank you brothers and sisters for helping us in this difficult time. Last week there were brothers from Romania from the PIEI Romania mission, four brothers with brother Timofey Stanea and brought us humanitarian aid for our refugees. It helps us a lot so that we can help more people at this difficult moment. May the Lord bless you a hundredfold.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the end of the war.

-Pray for us that the Lord will give us health and peace, so that we can help, comfort and protect other poor people who are in trouble. So that the Lord would protect our lands from bombing, so that we could help those who came to us for help.

-So that the Lord gives us the Power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel to people and that people reach out more to God at this time. Only God consoles and helps us in everything. With Him we will overcome this evil.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters. We love you and convey heartfelt greetings from our family. Be blessed!

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Help for refugees

We greet you with the Love and Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

I thank the Lord always for you, for the fact that you always support us both with prayers and materially so that we can serve here for the Lord.

Today our service for God is among the refugees.

26 refugees came to our church and we distributed them among the members of our church. They come to us for 2 days and then leave further. Then we accept others who come.

I have 5 refugees at home. While they stay with us.

We received humanitarian aid from Romania and unloaded it right at the house of prayer. Then we send this aid in Kyiv to the needy and soldiers.

Thank God Bukovina is quiet and not bombed. Pray for us. Pray for the war to stop.

With love, Pascar Alex.