Aid for refugees with the US team

We greet you dear brothers and sisters from the USA with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God for the fact that He used me this month to minister the gospel among the people of immigrants and preach the Word to the church.

On June 1, 29, after lunch, we were waiting for a team of our brothers and sisters from the USA of 7 people, led by br. Cornel Stef. We met at one Pizzeria in the village of Strointsi, not far from Novoselytsia, and got acquainted with all the members of this wonderful team that came to Ukraine to work in the ministry among refugees. We thanked the Lord for protecting them on the way and prayed that the Lord would protect them and during their stay in our area. Then I took 3 sisters to my home to live: Martha, Sarah and Elizabeth. Our eldest daughter, Adela, came home from Italy on vacation, and she looked after these sisters - thank God for that He helped us through our daughter. In the evenings, together with the sisters from the USA, we visited the sisters of the sick from our church, and also visited the parents of my wife Nadia, who are also in old age in the village of Rokitne. They were very happy and prayed for these sisters and for the entire US team.

-July 1, together with Brother Cornell and Pastor Kevin, we visited 11 refugees. They listened to them. Each has its own story. They experienced hard and difficult times during these months of the war. They told them about Christ, that only in Christ is our comfort and our protection. The fact that the Lord helped them get to Bukovina is also the grace of the Lord. They admit that they really feel safe and protected in our area. That our people are especially hospitable. USA. They were very happy and said - Thank God that He does not forget us through good people.

-July 2, with brothers Cornel Stef and pastor Pavel Petikhachny, we visited the Rehabilitation Center in the village of Malinovka, where IDP families live there. Brother Kornel and brother Pavel preached there. We prayed for these people. They also asked a lot of questions and we, with God's help, answered them with the Words of Holy Scripture. We gave them humanitarian aid for which they praised God.

On July 3, our church held communion and I visited the sick in their homes where they also participated in this service - they remembered the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Communion.

-July 4, in the morning, we had a meeting of our missionaries with our families, and with the entire team of brothers and sisters from the USA. There was a blessed meeting - Praise God.

-July 5, we saw off our brothers and sisters with a prayer of gratitude to God for them, and petitions from the Lord for protection for further travel to Romania and then to the USA. We handed them over in the Hands of our Lord so that He would protect them from all evil.


-Thank the Lord for the fact that we were calm during this difficult time of the war and the brothers and sisters from the United States lived in safety with us.

-I thank the Lord for using this team to comfort the refugees who live among us. For the humanitarian products that they brought, the refugees praised God and thanked the Lord for these products.

-I thank the Lord for the Word of God, which was proclaimed in our villages among the refugees.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for all the people and among the settlers, and among our fellow villagers who heard the Word of God these days, so that the Lord would test their hearts so that they would understand This Word of God and repent.

-Pray for me that the Lord would give me health. That He would protect our Bukovina, our villages and our families and further from this war.

-Pray for our Christian camp in Boyany, which will be held from August 1 to 6. So that the Lord protects everyone from all evil and that there is repentance among teenagers, children and youth.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. My family sends a big hello to everyone who knows us. Say hello to the Doornbos family, Bill and Sherina. We love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.