Blessing a baby

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ!

Glory to God for this month, July, which God helped me to work fruitfully in His Field, proclaiming the Word of God among people.

1. After that, a team from the United States, which was with us, was sent home and we visited together the refugees who live among us, on July 10, a family from refugees came to the meeting. They are from Kherson region, which is located in the south of Ukraine. Now this city is occupied Russian troops. This family brought a newborn to the church for a prayer of blessing. I, and our whole church, prayed for this family, Natasha and Sasha, and for baby Dominik, so that the Lord would bless the little boy and parents, and that the Lord would stop this war. Then our Sunday school children congratulated this family and had a rich program for this family, blessing and glorifying the Name of our Lord.

We took this family to our home, where we prepared a delicious festive dinner for them. They were very happy, together with our family. They prayed together that God would help liberate their city from the invaders. They really want to return to their home.

2. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for each of you, brothers and sisters, because thanks to you we can work among the migrants where we live. And also thanks to you we can organize a Christian camp every year, Non Stop, in Boyany. May the Lord bless you and return you blessings a hundredfold.

-I am grateful to God that it is still quiet and calm in our region of Bukovina and we can serve God among the refugees and among other people freely proclaim the Word of the Gospel.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray together with us that the war will end soon. And that it will continue to be calm in our area, that we proclaim the Word of God to people and help the migrants and the needy who live among us.

We thank you very much for your prayers for us and for your help during this difficult time for us.

We always pray for you. Our family sends Christian regards to all. With love for you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.