God is kind

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, I greet you with the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise God for the month of August, which was so fruitful through the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus!

  1. Christian camp.

-From August 1 to August 6, a youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission “Candela” was held in Boyany. Many leaders from our church were included in this camp: 5 leaders, 1 teacher, and 4 singers and musicians. They worked zealously as for the Lord. We rejoice and thank the Lord for our youth who love to serve the Lord. Thank God that of those vacationers who were in the camp from our village, 4 repented and 3 guys from the village of Malinovka, this is a neighboring village.

2. Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

-On Saturday, August 6, our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission had a meeting with the guest brothers who came to us on August 2. They preached the Word of God in the camp, in the mornings, and then in the villages among the settlers. There was a very blessed meeting: we got to know each other, prayed for each other, and exchanged experiences in serving on the field of the Lord. Then, after a delicious lunch, we, all together with all the missionaries, went to Novoselitsa to the Emmanuel Church, where the brothers brought humanitarian aid for us, the missionaries, to distribute to the refugees who live among us. Thank you all for this help, which helps us serve the refugees not only in word but also in deed, helping them with the needs they have. I have already prepared 4 large packages of food and took them to 4 refugee families. They were very happy and thanked the Lord for such necessary help.


-August 3 we visited, with brothers from the USA, br. Cornel Steph, br. Will and br. Mark, refugees who live in our village. We encouraged them with the Word of God, prayed for them and about their problems. After dinner we did street evangelism and proclaimed the Word to the people who passed by us. There were those among them who listened with interest to the Word of God. We pray for such people as well.

-I visited a church from Malinovka where the pastor of the church left for a short time and I temporarily replace him until September 12. There, after the service, one guy came out to the meetings, his name is Arthur, 18 years old, who was in our camp and repented there. He came to church and again repented before God and was very glad that he made this decision in his life - to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in his heart - Glory to God. The church rejoiced and glorified the Lord.

- In our church, thank God, everything is fine. Young people work hard and want to serve the Lord. 4 children and teenagers repented from us in the camp - Thank God!

-Our church collected food and money to send to the front for our soldiers who are defending Ukraine. We send all this to the village of Nedoboivtsi, and there are good cooks who preserve these meat and vegetable products. Then they send it to where it is needed. We also pray for those soldiers who defend the country there.

4. Thanksgiving:

-Thank the Lord for the fact that we still have peace and quiet in this time of war. And we can calmly serve God. May God continues to have peace in our area.

-Thank you brothers and sisters from the USA for helping us make such a big camp. Without you, we would not be able to do this. Thank you for your prayers and help in the ministry.

-Thank God for the wonderful harvest of repentance of the children in this blessed camp.

-Thank God for our young people who serve the Lord with zeal.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the war in Ukraine would end. So that our lands would not be exposed to the danger of bombing.

-Pray for those people who have heard the Word of God so that the Spirit of God will work in their hearts. Pray for those children who repented in the camp, so that they keep to the end of the path of faith.

-Pray for me that the Lord would give me health and strength in serving Him.

-Pray for our church. On Sunday there will be ordinations for 2 brothers deacons. These are my brother Leonid Paskar and brother, in Christ, Venya Chupak. May the Lord bless them and their families in this responsible service.

And we love you and pray for you always. May the Lord bless you and your families and give you blessings a hundredfold! My family sends greetings to everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ!

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.