Third transport from Romania

I greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for helping us preach the Word of God in our area this month too. For the fact that while we are calm and not bombed, we can still proclaim the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ to people who are wandering in sin.

  1. Third transport from Romania:

-At the end of the month of May, we were visited by a group of brothers and sisters from Romania and the USA. These are brother Cornel Stef and brother Walter, as well as the family of Popa Alex and Rodica from the USA. Also, brother Timothy Stanya, director of the PIEI Romania mission, and brother Beni visited us. They brought us the third transport for these two months with humanitarian aid. We took these products to our settlers and they were very grateful to God and our brothers who brought these products.

Brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI Mission, and Brother Walter from the USA also visited our church where everyone was happy and encouraged by the visit of our brothers. They listened to the Word of God and everyone glorified God.

Then, after lunch, all our missionaries met with a team from Romania and the United States, who came to us in Ukraine. We had wonderful fellowship with our families. We prayed to God that He would stop this war and also thanked the Lord for it’s still calm in Bukovina and we can calmly communicate and praise God. It was a blessed resurrection in our life - Glory to God!

2. Breaking bread:

-On the first Sunday of the month of June, we had the breaking of bread, together with our church, where we remembered the death and suffering of our Jesus Christ. He also visited the sick brother, his name is brother Dmitry, with the breaking of bread and also bought him the necessary medicines for which he was very grateful God that the Lord helps him through our church-Glory to God for everything!

3. Family of immigrants:

- In our daughter Alina's house, there lived a family of immigrants from the city of Kherson. This city is still under Russian occupation. Their daughter gave birth to a newborn and we helped them in everything. We took their daughter to the Maternity Hospital in Chernivtsi, bought diapers and other medicines .This brother, the father of this family, preached to our congregations. Then we helped them move to the city for more convenience because there is a small child. Now they visit the House of Peace prayer house in Chernivtsi, where the shepherd is our brother missionary Pastushak Gregory.

There are now 10 migrants of believers left in our church, and in our village there are more non-believing migrants. We help both our believers and non-believers as well. They all praise and thank God for such help they need - Glory to God!

4. Thanksgiving:

-Thank you, always to God, for you brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers for us and for your financial assistance, which comes to us in such a timely manner and in such a difficult time for us - Glory to God and thank you!

-Grateful to God for the 3 transport of humanitarian aid for our refugees and for those in need.

-We thank God for the peaceful sky over the Chernivtsi region during these 3 months of war.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray together with us that the war in Ukraine would soon end, only God can help us in this.

-Pray for a successful trip of a team from the USA to us on June 29, led by brother Cornel Stef. That the Lord would protect them all 5 days of their stay in our region. And that the Lord would give us a peaceful sky over our Bukovina during all the days this team stays with us May they work fruitfully in the Niva of God in our region of Chernivtsi.

We always pray for you, brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you all with health and give you a hundredfold blessings from heaven.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Paskar Alex.