Help for migrants

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ our Lord! Thankful the Lord for His mercy shown to us for protecting and helping us to preach the Word of God, although we are now in difficult times.

1. Breaking bread:

-On the first Sunday of this month, our church held a communion where we remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. I also went to a sick brother's home and held a communion. He was very happy that he was able, together with the church, to participate in the communion and remember the sufferings of Christ on the cross of Golgotha ​​for the salvation of all people on earth.


- May 8, on Sundays, I, with a group of teenagers, visited two small churches: Forosna and Zhilovka. With us was another preacher from Romania, brother Giani. These brothers and sisters were overjoyed and thanked the Lord for the Word of God and for the praise songs of our teenage choir. Praise God!

3. Help for migrants

-We also have migrants whom we serve together with our church. My daughter Alina provided her house to the migrants. 2 families live there and we help them with food and all the means necessary for life. Also, other families from our church provided their houses for shelter We thank the brothers from Romania for bringing humanitarian aid 2 times already, and we also pray for them because the PIEI Romania Mission is going to bring us 3 humanitarian vehicles. All our refugees, and we have 27 of them in our church, are very grateful to God for these products and other help that our brothers give them.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We thank the Lord for helping us and we are still quiet. And we can serve people both spiritually and financially helping them during this difficult time of the war in Ukraine.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for helping us with your prayers before God for Ukraine and for helping us and sending financial aid for our refugees.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the war ends here in Ukraine.

-Pray that the Lord will continue to preserve our region of Bukovina, so that we can continue to preach the gospel and help people who come to us for help and shelter.

-For me, so that the Lord strengthens and gives me health to serve people.

We are very grateful to the Lord for you brothers and sisters. We know that you are praying for us and we also pray unceasingly for you and your families that the Lord bless you with health and the peace of Christ. We thank God for brother Bill Doornbos that, with God's help, he went through this operation safely. We always pray for the Doornbos family so that the Lord He blessed and strengthened their health. Brother Bill and Sister Sherine, please accept our family's warm regards.

We wish all the brothers and sisters of the PIEI America Mission abundant blessings from God!

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.