We were not bombed

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and grace of Jesus Christ! Christ is Risen! Christ is truly Risen!

1. Thank God for helping us to celebrate Easter-Resurrection of Christ in silence, with us, and we were not bombed.

Also on Thursday, until Sunday, we remembered the Lord's Supper with 12 disciples. We had a day of fasting and prayer, and in the evening the whole church gathered and celebrated the Last Supper. We thanked and praised the Lord for His Calvary feat. We also visited the sick home with the communion.

2. This month we visited 2 small churches Forosna and Zhilovka twice. These brothers and sisters are always waiting for us and rejoice for our visits, because we encourage them with the Word of God. Our youth always have a program of worship and the Name of Christ is glorified in these churches.

3. On the Easter holiday, our youth, the church choir, as well as children had a rich program for the glory of the Risen Christ, for our evangelism. There were many people in the church, as well as from unbelievers. We pray for them so that God would test their hearts and they would repent. We also have many refugees who come to the congregation. For 2 days in a row we gathered in our church and praised God for mercy and love for us.

4. Caring for refugees:

There are 27 refugees in the homes of our church members. I am grateful to God that today, April 28, we received a lot of humanitarian assistance from the brothers from the PIEI Romania mission, and I brought these products to the refugees - each refugee family. They were very happy that we are helping them products, warm blankets, linen, washing powders, vegetables and fruits.

5. Thanksgiving

- We always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us in your prayers and helping us financially, especially now when there is a war in Ukraine. We feel your prayers and your help.

-We are grateful to God for peace in our region, for the fact that they do not bomb rockets over us - this is the mercy and grace of God over us - Glory to Him!

-We thank the Lord for saving the brothers from Romania on the way to us and on the way back. Thank God for everything!

-We thank God for health, for giving us strength and zeal to work in His field. Especially now, in this difficult time, there is a lot of work in God's Vineyard.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray together with us for the war to end. For the Lord to give wisdom to the president and all who are in the leadership of our country. We trust the Lord and believe that God will help and hear our prayers.

-Pray that the Lord will give us further strength and love to serve the refugees.

-To repent all the refugees who heard the Word of God.

-For our youth and children, so that the Lord protects them from the horrors of war.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord richly bless you, your families, your churches and your country. Accept heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.