We are still alive and serve refugees

I greet you dear brothers and sisters from the USA with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ.

1. It has already been more than a month since the war began in Ukraine and we thank God that, by His grace, we are alive and well. For the fact that it is still quiet and peaceful in our area and we can accept refugees who are fleeing from horrors wars from the North, from the South and from the East of the country.

We have 5 refugees in our family who live with us in the family. We communicate with them, feed them. We help in any way we can. They also need consolation, this war beat them too much. And in the families of our church members there are also refugees about 31 people with children. There are unbelievers among the refugees. They come to us at our meetings and together we glorify God.

2. Also, youth and our children have a weekly analysis of the Word of God. Here they rehearse songs for the church program on Sundays. Also, refugee children come to these analyzes of the Word of God and glorify the Lord together with our children.

3. Thank you brothers and sisters for helping us in this difficult time. Last week there were brothers from Romania from the PIEI Romania mission, four brothers with brother Timofey Stanea and brought us humanitarian aid for our refugees. It helps us a lot so that we can help more people at this difficult moment. May the Lord bless you a hundredfold.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the end of the war.

-Pray for us that the Lord will give us health and peace, so that we can help, comfort and protect other poor people who are in trouble. So that the Lord would protect our lands from bombing, so that we could help those who came to us for help.

-So that the Lord gives us the Power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel to people and that people reach out more to God at this time. Only God consoles and helps us in everything. With Him we will overcome this evil.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters. We love you and convey heartfelt greetings from our family. Be blessed!

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.