Divine services


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I thank the Lord that He guarded and protected me from all evil this month.

1. Divine services:

This month, in connection with the COVID 19 pandemic, we conduct services in a very small number. Only the fathers of families come to the prayer house. So about 10 sometimes 9 people. Moms stay with the children at home and pray at home during the service. As the children Now they’re at home and don’t go to school, our leaders deal with children in small groups, as well as parents deal with their children. Children study online at home. We pray together online and by phone with our older brothers and sisters. Young people are helping old people now and we are very glad to see Our youth is zealously working. For our services that we had last week, we collected donations for one boy (his name is Marik). He underwent surgery, one kidney was removed. Parents were very grateful to God for our church helping them. We pray and for this family.

2. Post and prayer: On March 5, our church, like all churches in Ukraine, was in fasting and prayer for the Lord to protect His people from this disease. For the Lord to prepare His Church for the Rapture, for we see that the Lord is very close.


I thank God that my 3 sons came home from work where they worked in France. Now they should be quarantined for 2 weeks. They now live in isolation at Slavik’s house, our eldest son. And his wife Tanya lives with my child. Thank you that you prayed for them and they arrived safely home.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray also for our sons-in-law Tolik and Abraham, who have not yet arrived home. Now it is difficult to get from abroad, because they have closed all borders. We pray that the Lord will stop this pandemic.

-Pray that we grow more and more in the love of Christ and do the will of the Lord.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters. We hear on the news that it’s difficult for you too. Conduct your services online. How we miss our meetings! Lord help all of us to get those meetings that we have! We pray that God will forgive the murmur of his people and blessed us all. May the Lord bless you, our dear brothers and sisters! My family sends all of you heartfelt greetings!

We love you and pray for you. With love to you, Pascar Alex.

Home groups


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

1.Crusade in Dinovtsy:

-As I wrote to you in the previous report, we had a crusade with two brothers from Suceava (Romania) in our village Dinovtsi. We went home to people and preached the Word of God to them. They prayed for these people, and the people themselves wanted to pray with us. We pray that the Lord will prompt these people to repent.

2. Pastoral conference:

-March 14, went to the church of the village of Nesvoy, where a pastoral conference of all the churches from the Novoselitsky district was held. There we had a common prayer with the shepherds about this situation that is happening around the world with Coronovirus so that the Lord would protect all of His children from this virus and give us His peace and peace in our hearts. Also, they were in studying the Word of God through brothers: Igor Dzyadik and Toloshnyak Victor. There was a very blessed conference, Thank God!

3. The situation in our church:

-Moreover, on March 15, we held meetings in our church, and now we are not allowed to hold meetings because of the coronovirus quarantine. We are going to only 10 people, the heads of the family. Children stay at home with their mothers. Each family holds prayer services at home. Schools are closed. Children in their homes in quarantine. It is important here that we parents do not lose time and engage with their children. Young people have internet at home and communicate through online. We pray for each other and hope in the Lord.


-I am grateful to God that He gives me health to work on His Field and still support his family.

-I thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA who pray for me and my family and help us to work harder here. We pray all the time for you and your families so that the Lord blesses you richly.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray please for this circumstance that happened both with us and with you, that the Lord will stop this epidemic.

-Pray for my family. My 3 sons and 2 sons-in-law are at work in France and Tolik is the husband of Alena in Belgium. They are quarantined. They don’t go to work because of quarantine, and they won’t be able to come home either, also because of quarantine. May the Lord bless them there and protect them from all evil.

-Pray for our churches so that our love for God does not cool, but rather, on these difficult days, inflame even more.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine too.

I convey my heartfelt Christian greetings to all the brothers and sisters who know me. Pray for you. With love, brother Alex Pascar.

A crusade in Dinivtsi


Greetings, brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ.

1. Bakery and Learning Word:

-Visited 2 patients at home with bread breaking, encouraged and prayed for them and for the repentance of their children. The children listen to the Word of God with pleasure, but are still lingering with repentance.

This month I continue to teach Bible lessons with new candidates for baptism this summer. Pray for these young people.

2. Visit:

- I visited, together with my wife and another young family from our church, the church of the village of Malinovka. They were very happy with our visit. We encouraged them through the Word of God, through chanting and prayer together. We also pray for this church, that the Lord bless them in spiritual growth, and that there will be an awakening in this village.


-This week, in our village Dinivtsi, there is a crusade with one brother from Suceava (Romania). We will visit all the houses of the villagers to preach the Word of God to them, pray for them, and answer their questions. We pray that the Lord bless us in this ministry.


- I thank you warmly for the material help that you provided me in a difficult time for us. Thank you for your prayers that help me in my ministry on the Lord’s Field.

May the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold!

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray further for my family, that the Lord will strengthen us all spiritually and also with health.

-Pray for this crusade that is being held in our village, that the Lord bless this evangelization in the homes of people and that the seed that is truly sown among these people will revive from above many hearts that have heard the Word of God.

-Pray for the spiritual awakening of our church. To keep the church awake and ready to meet with our Lord.

My family and I send you heartfelt greetings. We are praying for you. With love, your brother in the Lord is Alex Pascar.

Social assistance


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God that He helped me this month, works on His Field.

1.Bread refraction:

-At the beginning of the month I visited two patients at home and with them, remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the refraction of bread. Patients are very happy that they can take part in Holy Communion every month together with our church. We pray for their children so that they will know Jesus Christ as the Savior.

2. Evangelism through social assistance:


-This month, our church collected donations for a large family with a house burned down. This village is located near us Sankivtsi, Khotinsky district. Our whole brotherhood helped them acquire a new home and now they are helping them with clothes and groceries. We pray for this family so that they accept Christ in their hearts as personal Savior.


3. Lessons with baptism candidates:

- I continue to conduct classes with 4 candidates who want to accept baptism this summer. Pray for them.


-I thank God for hearing your and our prayers. Adeline’s operation was successful, Praise the Lord! She is already better and is restored with God's help.

-I thank God for Inga, for our daughter-in-law, that she is already getting up and can walk. Our daughter Lily is much better, she helps us a lot in everything and also helps those who are sitting with children. Thank God.

Thank you for your financial help and support in prayers.


5. Prayer needs:

-Pray further for my family, that the Lord will give health to all. My wife, Nadia, became ill, I must take her to the hospital for examination. She can’t lower her blood pressure in any way. Pray for the Lord to tell us through the doctors how to be treated.

-Pray further for our David, that the Lord will restore justice in court. They accuse him of being guilty of an accident. But we believe that the Lord is stronger than all deceivers and unjust people.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

Accept greetings from my family and may the Lord bless you richly!

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Lectures with young people


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, from the USA with the Peace of God!

Thank God that He helped me and this month is working on His Field.

1. Lectures with young people - candidates for baptism:

I thank God that He helped me conduct lectures for young people, candidates for the baptism that will be held this summer. There are 4 young people so far, but we hope that those who wish to be baptized will respond.

2. Social:

Our church raised money for one family from the village of Vikno from the Zastavnitsky District. Their house burned down and we helped this family.

We also help the family of Katerina (a girl who repented in a camp in Boyan). They need help and we help the parents of Katerina. We are glad that Katerina’s parents also let their other children into our church. We pray further for this family so that the Lord will encourage everyone to repent. We are happy for Katerina that she is so zealous and goes to studying the Word of God and to youth meetings. May the Lord bless her and strengthen her faith.

3. Another sister had a funeral, her name was Any. There were more than 100 people who heard the Word of God. We pray that the Lord bless His Word, so that more people will receive Jesus Christ into their hearts.

4. Thanks:

Thank you for being with us in a difficult time for us. On January 28, our daughter Adela was operated on. Thank you for your prayers. Thank God, the operation was successful, and on Tuesday, February 4, she was discharged from the hospital.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray further on my family. Now they must get a resolution from the court regarding the accident that we had in October. Those Kharkov bus drivers Chernivtsi paid well to traffic inspectors and now blame our son David, as if he were to blame for this accident. Although there were many witnesses in court, they proved David's innocence. Pray for justice to triumph.

-Pray for holding daytime Christian camps in our village and for holding a camp for our mission from June 27 to August 1.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for the repentance of our village Dinivtsi.

- That the Lord give me health. Pray that the Lord bless the hands of the surgeons who will perform the operation to brother Pavel Petihachny and also for the rehabilitation period after the operation.

May the Lord bless you and your families. Please accept my heartfelt greetings and thanks from my family. With love, your brother in Christ is Pascar Alex.

A week of prayer


God's peace brothers and sisters from the USA!

By the grace of the Lord, these festive weeks also passed, where we with our church organized good evangelizations so that all people would hear about Christ the Savior.

1. Evangelism:

At the beginning of this year, we organized a week of meetings, every day we gathered: to pray for Ukraine, for the work of God in Ukraine and that the Lord strengthen us, believers in His work with His help.

We also did 2 evangelisms in our church in connection with the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on January 7th. Children and youth had a good prepared program and are glad that people from our village came to these evangelizations. We pray for them that the Spirit of God will work on them. And also young people went home with a carol, 2 pm. January 6 went to the village of Forosna, and January 7 to the village of Dynivtsi. People joyfully accepted us, and we announced to them the good news of the birth of the Messiah. We pray for these people.

2.Bread refraction:

At the beginning of the month they made bread-making, Holy Communion, where they remembered the suffering and death of Christ, this is the first communion this year. He also visited three patients at home, where they prayed together and recalled the suffering and death of Jesus through the breaking of bread. Patients are very glad that they have holy communion with the church and praise God.


Thank you, together with your family, for not forgetting us and praying for us. We thank you for the gifts that you received from you on Christmas Day, for medicines that were very useful to us, for sweets that our grandchildren really like, and we, as well as for such good things. It was a great joy for us. May God bless you all and reward you a hundredfold.

4. Prayer needs:

-Keep on praying for my family. Inga, our daughter-in-law, is still weak. She gets out of bed a little but gets tired very quickly. But thank God for that too. Pray for my daughter Adela. She will have an ear surgery in late January or early February. Pray that everything is under the control of the Lord.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for us, missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission, that the Lord will give us health so that we can work on His Field.

Thank you again for all that you do for us missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission. Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ is Alexa Pascari.

8 days of prayer


Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love of Jesus Christ and Merry Christmas!

1. Visits to the Tarasovtsy church.

At the end of this month, I, together with my family, visited the church of the village of Tarasovtsy. We thanked this church for the help provided to my family in connection with the accident that our children were in. Thank God for the brothers and sisters who prayed for us and They supported us financially. They had a family program for this church. Abraham, Alina’s husband, sings well and glorified the Lord through singing and a poem. The whole church thanked God for the miracle of saving our family.

2. Carols:

December 25, our youth divided into 2 groups and went in two villages to do magic, that is, to glorify the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in people's homes: -Christ is born! Thank God! They went to the villages: Gorbova and Forosna. People accepted them with joy and young people invited people to worship in these villages on the second day. We pray that the Lord bless these villages with the repentance of the people.

3. 8 days of prayer

Sun Sunday, December 29, we had every day, 8 consecutive days, services in the house of prayer: Thanksgiving and petitions before God for 2020, that God blesses us and stay with us all year because without God we cannot live not a single day. Praise God that our church prays earnestly and we feel the blessings of God every day.

4. Thanks:

Dear brothers and sisters, I thank you for your support in your work on God's field here in Ukraine. I thank you for your prayers that have helped and encouraged me so much. May God bless you and your families!

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray that the Lord bless our service here. In our village, we will celebrate Christmas on January 7 and we are all preparing for this Evangelization. We will have a walk around the village and invite people to evangelize on January 7. Pray for people to respond to this invitation and come to meetings. Pray for the parents of Katerina, who repented at the camp, so that they would come to the meeting.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for my family, so that those who are undergoing rehabilitation, that God heals.

My whole family sends you heartfelt greetings. We love you and pray for you! With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Blessings of our grandson


May the peace of God be with all of you, dear brothers and sisters!

At the beginning of my report I want to congratulate all of you on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ! May the Lord bless you with health, success in work, and grant you much joy in Christ Jesus.


I thank God that He helps my family continue to overcome all kinds of difficulties, and despite the trials through which we have passed, the Lord helps us and gives us strength to serve Him and praise His Holy Name.

I thank all of you who prayed for my family and helped financially in this difficult time for us. May the Lord reward you a hundredfold, for your time and your donations.

Our family continues to help the poor along with our church. This month, we raised money and bought a lot of firewood for poor families. Young brothers brought these people firewood for the heating season. Through these mercies, the Name of the Lord is glorified and we are glad for it.

2. Blessings of our grandson:

December 15th was a holiday for our family in our church. Slavik, our son, and Tanya, our daughter-in-law, brought their first-born Caleb to the congregation for blessings. Brother Pavel Petihachny performed a blessing prayer over Caleb and his family. And they also thanked everyone for the wonderful introduction of the Lord. Despite the fact that Tanya was the first to get out of the car during the accident, but the Lord saved her and the baby. The baby was born healthy and Tanya is healthy, it is a miracle of our Lord, Glory to God! It was God who gave us the ninth grandson — Glory to Him for everything! The church supported us in prayer, youth and children also congratulated this young family.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray further on my family. Adela and Inga, already thank God, get out of bed. Adela is already attending church, but still she needs to lie longer in bed. At the end of January, doctors agreed to operate on her ear. Pray for the operation to succeed. Inga also gets out of bed for 15 minutes and must lie again. While he cannot go to church. Nevertheless, we praise God for His mercy to us. Pray that the Lord will give us, parents, strength and health so that we can look after the sick, and for the children of Inga and David.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray that on these winter holidays: Christmas and New Year 2020, more people from the world will come to our church and listen to the Word of God.

-Pray for the family of Katerina (the girl who repented in the camp in Boyan) so that her parents and sister come for evangelism, the holidays of Christmas and New Year 2020. May the Lord bless the Holy Word to bring much fruit of repentance.

My family sends you all Christian greetings. Love you and pray for you. With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Visit villages


God's peace brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God and to you for your prayers for my family that were heard by the Lord and God helped us to withstand the trials. Thank God that every day our wounded children recover.

1.Bread refraction:

On December 1, we performed, in our church, the last bread breaking in this year. And also I visited 2 patients, there I did a mini evangelization at their home. I consoled them, also prayed together and participated together in Holy Communion where I remembered the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

After lunch, we went with my family to the church of the village of Malinovka, where together we praised the Lord through chants, and I preached the Word in this church.

Also, we, together with our family, visited the church of the village of Rokitne, where we glorified the Lord and thanked this church for the help, financial and prayer, for our family.


We are very grateful to God and all the brothers and sisters, all the churches who helped us in this difficult situation in which my family fell. May the Lord return to all a hundredfold and bless you all.

3. A little about the situation in the family:

At Emmanuela (our granddaughter) and at Lilia (our youngest daughter) the plaster was removed from their hands. They are already recovering. Adele had to undergo surgery in the Shvets Ukrainian clinic (we have such a clinic in Chernivtsi). But they transferred this operation to the spring, probably in April, 2020. Due to a weakened body. We will wait until spring. Inga can already get out of bed a little, but the bed regimen must be strictly observed. With God's help, everything will be fine, we believe and know that the Lord will not leave us.

4. Prayer needs:

-Keep on praying for my family. For Adela, so that the Lord would strengthen her and prepare her for ear surgery. For Ingu to restore the spine, because she is a mother and has 3 children, our grandchildren. We help as much as we can, but only the Lord gives healing, Glory to Him for everything!

-Pray for our church, for our youth, for Sunday school and for leaders. For awakening to the repentance of our village.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

Be blessed! With love your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Period of restoration


Greetings to the world of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank God for His support and help in labor in His field.

I am very grateful to God, and to you brothers and sisters, for the help provided to my family during this difficult time for us, when such trials overtook my family. But we praise God and thank Him for these trials. Thank God that the children survived further We believe and know that the Lord will take care of us.

The churches from our mission PIEI Ukraine also helped us, both financially and prayerfully. Thank God that He does not leave us in trouble but fulfills our needs through His Living Church!

Now I spend more time on restoring the health of my children, and on my health. I got a little bronchitis and should also be treated. Thank God I'm better. And Adela, our daughter, should be taken back to the hospital for an ear surgery. As I wrote to you in previous reports, her ear was sutured incorrectly after that accident and now doctors must correct their mistake. But we must take Adela to a good specialist so that they can do this operation normally. Pray for Adela and for Inga.

Pray that the Lord will give me health too, so that I can help my family. Thank God that there is my wife Nadia who helps me in everything, as well as sons and daughters (those who are healthy).

There is also good news. Thank you for praying for Katerina, a girl who repented to our Christian camp in August in Boyan. Now her mother allows her to attend our meetings. She is so happy that she can come, without any obstruction, to our and youth’s meetings. We pray and further about her and her family, so that all repent and have such joy.

May the Lord bless you, our dear brothers and sisters. Continue to pray for our family. And we pray for you. With love, your brother in the Lord Pascar Alex.