Home groups


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

1.Crusade in Dinovtsy:

-As I wrote to you in the previous report, we had a crusade with two brothers from Suceava (Romania) in our village Dinovtsi. We went home to people and preached the Word of God to them. They prayed for these people, and the people themselves wanted to pray with us. We pray that the Lord will prompt these people to repent.

2. Pastoral conference:

-March 14, went to the church of the village of Nesvoy, where a pastoral conference of all the churches from the Novoselitsky district was held. There we had a common prayer with the shepherds about this situation that is happening around the world with Coronovirus so that the Lord would protect all of His children from this virus and give us His peace and peace in our hearts. Also, they were in studying the Word of God through brothers: Igor Dzyadik and Toloshnyak Victor. There was a very blessed conference, Thank God!

3. The situation in our church:

-Moreover, on March 15, we held meetings in our church, and now we are not allowed to hold meetings because of the coronovirus quarantine. We are going to only 10 people, the heads of the family. Children stay at home with their mothers. Each family holds prayer services at home. Schools are closed. Children in their homes in quarantine. It is important here that we parents do not lose time and engage with their children. Young people have internet at home and communicate through online. We pray for each other and hope in the Lord.


-I am grateful to God that He gives me health to work on His Field and still support his family.

-I thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA who pray for me and my family and help us to work harder here. We pray all the time for you and your families so that the Lord blesses you richly.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray please for this circumstance that happened both with us and with you, that the Lord will stop this epidemic.

-Pray for my family. My 3 sons and 2 sons-in-law are at work in France and Tolik is the husband of Alena in Belgium. They are quarantined. They don’t go to work because of quarantine, and they won’t be able to come home either, also because of quarantine. May the Lord bless them there and protect them from all evil.

-Pray for our churches so that our love for God does not cool, but rather, on these difficult days, inflame even more.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine too.

I convey my heartfelt Christian greetings to all the brothers and sisters who know me. Pray for you. With love, brother Alex Pascar.