Blessings of our grandson


May the peace of God be with all of you, dear brothers and sisters!

At the beginning of my report I want to congratulate all of you on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ! May the Lord bless you with health, success in work, and grant you much joy in Christ Jesus.


I thank God that He helps my family continue to overcome all kinds of difficulties, and despite the trials through which we have passed, the Lord helps us and gives us strength to serve Him and praise His Holy Name.

I thank all of you who prayed for my family and helped financially in this difficult time for us. May the Lord reward you a hundredfold, for your time and your donations.

Our family continues to help the poor along with our church. This month, we raised money and bought a lot of firewood for poor families. Young brothers brought these people firewood for the heating season. Through these mercies, the Name of the Lord is glorified and we are glad for it.

2. Blessings of our grandson:

December 15th was a holiday for our family in our church. Slavik, our son, and Tanya, our daughter-in-law, brought their first-born Caleb to the congregation for blessings. Brother Pavel Petihachny performed a blessing prayer over Caleb and his family. And they also thanked everyone for the wonderful introduction of the Lord. Despite the fact that Tanya was the first to get out of the car during the accident, but the Lord saved her and the baby. The baby was born healthy and Tanya is healthy, it is a miracle of our Lord, Glory to God! It was God who gave us the ninth grandson — Glory to Him for everything! The church supported us in prayer, youth and children also congratulated this young family.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray further on my family. Adela and Inga, already thank God, get out of bed. Adela is already attending church, but still she needs to lie longer in bed. At the end of January, doctors agreed to operate on her ear. Pray for the operation to succeed. Inga also gets out of bed for 15 minutes and must lie again. While he cannot go to church. Nevertheless, we praise God for His mercy to us. Pray that the Lord will give us, parents, strength and health so that we can look after the sick, and for the children of Inga and David.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray that on these winter holidays: Christmas and New Year 2020, more people from the world will come to our church and listen to the Word of God.

-Pray for the family of Katerina (the girl who repented in the camp in Boyan) so that her parents and sister come for evangelism, the holidays of Christmas and New Year 2020. May the Lord bless the Holy Word to bring much fruit of repentance.

My family sends you all Christian greetings. Love you and pray for you. With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.