Visit villages


God's peace brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God and to you for your prayers for my family that were heard by the Lord and God helped us to withstand the trials. Thank God that every day our wounded children recover.

1.Bread refraction:

On December 1, we performed, in our church, the last bread breaking in this year. And also I visited 2 patients, there I did a mini evangelization at their home. I consoled them, also prayed together and participated together in Holy Communion where I remembered the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

After lunch, we went with my family to the church of the village of Malinovka, where together we praised the Lord through chants, and I preached the Word in this church.

Also, we, together with our family, visited the church of the village of Rokitne, where we glorified the Lord and thanked this church for the help, financial and prayer, for our family.


We are very grateful to God and all the brothers and sisters, all the churches who helped us in this difficult situation in which my family fell. May the Lord return to all a hundredfold and bless you all.

3. A little about the situation in the family:

At Emmanuela (our granddaughter) and at Lilia (our youngest daughter) the plaster was removed from their hands. They are already recovering. Adele had to undergo surgery in the Shvets Ukrainian clinic (we have such a clinic in Chernivtsi). But they transferred this operation to the spring, probably in April, 2020. Due to a weakened body. We will wait until spring. Inga can already get out of bed a little, but the bed regimen must be strictly observed. With God's help, everything will be fine, we believe and know that the Lord will not leave us.

4. Prayer needs:

-Keep on praying for my family. For Adela, so that the Lord would strengthen her and prepare her for ear surgery. For Ingu to restore the spine, because she is a mother and has 3 children, our grandchildren. We help as much as we can, but only the Lord gives healing, Glory to Him for everything!

-Pray for our church, for our youth, for Sunday school and for leaders. For awakening to the repentance of our village.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

Be blessed! With love your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.